Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in New York, NY 10001
* Each listing below of Churches Information for New York NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aquarian Foundation Inc | 212-460-5820 | 139 W 35th St | New York | NY | 10001 |
Brick Presbyterian Church | 212-289-4400 | Park Avenue & E 91 | New York | NY | 10001 |
Chabad on Washington Square | 212-674-1950 | 27 Washington Sq | New York | NY | 10001 |
Christian Science Church | 212-838-1870 | 583 Pk Ave | New York | NY | 10001 |
Church in New York City | 212-268-5795 | 446 W 34th St | New York | NY | 10001 |
Church of the Epiphany | 212-737-3217 | York Avenue Cor 74 | New York | NY | 10001 |
Church Universal & Triumphant | 212-645-2680 | 227 W 29th St Fl 13 | New York | NY | 10001 |
First Baptist Church in the City of New | 212-724-5600 | Broadway & 79 | New York | NY | 10001 |
Franciscan Missionary Union | 212-736-8500 | 135 W 31st St | New York | NY | 10001 |
Gan Yavne Youth Village | 212-367-8122 | 305 7th Ave Rm 1200 | New York | NY | 10001 |
Good Shepherd Church | 212-567-1300 | Bway & Isham | New York | NY | 10001 |
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church | 212-877-6815 | Central Pk W & 65 | New York | NY | 10001 |
Our Saviours Atonement Lutheran Church | 212-923-5757 | Bennett Avenue & 189 | New York | NY | 10001 |
Ramakrishna Vivekananda Center | 212-534-9445 | 17 94 | New York | NY | 10001 |
Urban Life Ministries | 212-695-9919 | 325 W 33rd St | New York | NY | 10001 |
West Pk Presby Church | 212-362-4890 | Amstrdm Avenue & 86 | New York | NY | 10001 |
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