Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in New York, NY 10002
* Each listing below of Churches Information for New York NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Chinese Christian Herald Crusade | 212-334-2033 | 49 Orchard St | New York | NY | 10002 |
Chinese Conservative Baptist Church | 212-962-6040 | 103 Madison St | New York | NY | 10002 |
Chinese Evangelical Church | 212-966-5411 | 248 Grand St Frnt | New York | NY | 10002 |
Chinese Missionary Baptist Church | 212-964-4180 | 136 Henry St | New York | NY | 10002 |
Chinese United Methodist Churc | 212-267-6464 | 69 Madison St | New York | NY | 10002 |
Church of Grace To Fujianese Ny in | 212-254-3886 | 133 Allen St | New York | NY | 10002 |
Church of Ny Chinatown | 212-925-4880 | 139 Bowery | New York | NY | 10002 |
Church World Service | 212-870-2164 | 475 Fdr Dr | New York | NY | 10002 |
East Side Tabernacle | 212-673-9815 | 61 Rivington St | New York | NY | 10002 |
Eastern Buddhist Association | 212-226-9027 | 83 Division St | New York | NY | 10002 |
Ezras Torah Fund Torah Relief Soc Inc | 212-227-8960 | 235 E Broadway Bsmt | New York | NY | 10002 |
Guan Kwong Temple of America Inc | 212-219-8586 | 94 Canal St | New York | NY | 10002 |
House Church in New York Inc | 212-748-1737 | 48 Market St Frnt | New York | NY | 10002 |
Mount Oliver Church | 212-226-9357 | 72 Eldridge St | New York | NY | 10002 |
N Y Chinese Alliance Church | 212-533-3808 | 162 Eldridge St | New York | NY | 10002 |
San Larazo | 212-529-4747 | 127 Rivington St Bsmt | New York | NY | 10002 |
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