Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in New York, NY 10032
* Each listing below of Churches Information for New York NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Asociacion Americana De Estudio Cltrls | 212-923-3872 | 605 W 158th St | New York | NY | 10032 |
Bethel Holy Church of Mt Sinai Inc | 212-283-9407 | 922 Saint Nicholas Ave | New York | NY | 10032 |
Church on the Hill | 212-928-2324 | 975 Saint Nicholas Ave | New York | NY | 10032 |
Congregation Church of God | 212-283-9809 | 1889 Amsterdam Ave | New York | NY | 10032 |
De Manhattan Hispanic Free Methodist | 212-543-4887 | 2086 Amsterdam Ave | New York | NY | 10032 |
Greater File Chapel Baptist Inc | 212-283-1070 | 505 W 155th St | New York | NY | 10032 |
Iglesia Pentecostal Monte Cal Vario | 212-781-7665 | 465 W 162nd St | New York | NY | 10032 |
Inglesia El Camino | 212-928-3404 | 141 Audubon Ave | New York | NY | 10032 |
Jehovah's Witnesses Assembly Hall | 212-928-7406 | 609 W 161st St | New York | NY | 10032 |
North Presbyterian Church | 212-926-5162 | 529 W 155th St | New York | NY | 10032 |
North Presbyterian Church Headstar | 212-926-8264 | 531 W 155th St | New York | NY | 10032 |
Paradise Baptist Church | 212-781-3310 | 23 Fort Washington Ave | New York | NY | 10032 |
The Whole Truth Church Center | 212-368-8912 | 790 Riverside Dr | New York | NY | 10032 |
Washinton Heights Sventh Day Adve | 212-781-2125 | 511 W 166th St | New York | NY | 10032 |
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