Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in New York, NY 10035
* Each listing below of Churches Information for New York NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel Church of Christ | 212-426-1801 | 2238 3rd Ave | New York | NY | 10035 |
Bronx Christian Fellowship Chur | 212-289-4374 | 2031 5th Ave | New York | NY | 10035 |
Chambers Memorial Baptist Church | 212-289-6606 | 219 E 123rd St | New York | NY | 10035 |
Church of Scientology Harlem | 212-828-1825 | 2250 3rd Ave | New York | NY | 10035 |
Church of the Crucified Christ Bc | 212-860-1239 | 350 E 120th St | New York | NY | 10035 |
Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of | 212-369-3037 | 1421 5th Ave | New York | NY | 10035 |
Ebenezer A M E Church | 212-348-8787 | 170 E 123rd St | New York | NY | 10035 |
First Church Christ Holiness USA | 212-828-1928 | 1935 Madison Ave | New York | NY | 10035 |
Fraternite Notre Dame Inc | 212-876-5855 | 2290 1st Ave | New York | NY | 10035 |
Harlem Churches for Community Impro | 212-348-9303 | 1468 5th Ave Ofc | New York | NY | 10035 |
Jehovah's Witness East Harlem Unit | 212-722-5460 | 175 E 120th St | New York | NY | 10035 |
Metropolitan Community Methodist Churc | 212-369-8517 | 45 E 126th St | New York | NY | 10035 |
Metropolitan Community Methodist Churc | 212-289-6157 | 1975 Madison Ave | New York | NY | 10035 |
Mount Pisgah Church | 212-289-0205 | 1484 5th Ave | New York | NY | 10035 |
New Ebenezer Baptist Church | 212-534-5766 | 1480 5th Ave | New York | NY | 10035 |
Second Corinthian Bapt Church | 212-534-6776 | 5 E 129th St | New York | NY | 10035 |
Second Manuel Baptist Church | 212-410-2164 | 182 E 123rd St | New York | NY | 10035 |
Spanish Christian Church Inc | 212-410-3148 | 1644 Park Ave | New York | NY | 10035 |
St Andrew's Episcopal Church | 212-534-0896 | 2067 5th Ave | New York | NY | 10035 |
St James Ame Church | 212-369-2020 | 2010 5th Ave Frnt | New York | NY | 10035 |
St Pauls Church | 212-534-4422 | 113 E 117th St | New York | NY | 10035 |
St Samuel Cathedral Church | 212-987-1986 | 230 E 125th St | New York | NY | 10035 |
The Word of God Hour Baptist Church | 212-987-4072 | 57 E 125th St | New York | NY | 10035 |
United Moravian Church | 212-722-2109 | 200 E 127th St | New York | NY | 10035 |
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