Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Interior Decorators in New York, NY 10022
* Each listing below of Interior Decorators Information for New York NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A P R Interiors | 212-588-1777 | 300 E 57th St Frnt | New York | NY | 10022 |
Andrew Martin International | 212-688-4498 | 222 E 59th St | New York | NY | 10022 |
Anne Green Interiors | 212-688-2484 | 209 E 56th St Ofc | New York | NY | 10022 |
Aptner Michael Design Associates | 212-486-0234 | 300 E 57th St Apt 9D | New York | NY | 10022 |
Avida International Ltd | 212-570-1100 | 425 E 58th St | New York | NY | 10022 |
Beret Design Group Inc | 212-223-2898 | 979 3rd Ave | New York | NY | 10022 |
Blanche Field Llc | 212-355-6616 | 155 E 56th St Ph | New York | NY | 10022 |
Bordes-Barrera Jose R | 212-980-5058 | 400 E 52nd St Apt 4K | New York | NY | 10022 |
D & D Building Co Llc | 212-759-5408 | 979 3rd Ave Ste 1400 | New York | NY | 10022 |
David Scott Interiors Ltd | 212-829-0703 | 120 E 57th St Fl 2 | New York | NY | 10022 |
Davis-Tauber | 212-223-0924 | 417 E 57th St | New York | NY | 10022 |
Dennis Rolland Inc | 212-644-0537 | 405 E 54th St Apt 9L | New York | NY | 10022 |
Diane Paparo Associates | 212-308-8390 | 140 E 58th St | New York | NY | 10022 |
Drake Jamie | 212-754-3099 | 140 E 56th St | New York | NY | 10022 |
Etienne Coffinier Design Ltd | 212-715-9699 | 249 E 57th St Frnt | New York | NY | 10022 |
Fingerhut R | 212-371-7263 | 20 Beekman Pl | New York | NY | 10022 |
Graydon Design Inc | 212-355-9766 | 340 E 57th St | New York | NY | 10022 |
H Parkin Saunders Inc | 212-421-5000 | 38 E 57th St Fl 5 | New York | NY | 10022 |
Hassman G H & Co Inc | 212-593-1455 | 231 E 51st St | New York | NY | 10022 |
Irvine & Fleming Inc | 212-888-6000 | 327 E 58th St | New York | NY | 10022 |
Joan Schindler Inc | 212-752-8288 | 243 E 60th St Apt 4A | New York | NY | 10022 |
Langham Richard Keith Inc | 212-759-1212 | 153 E 60th St | New York | NY | 10022 |
McMillen Inc | 212-753-6377 | 155 E 56th St Fl 5 | New York | NY | 10022 |
Rose Cumming Inc | 212-758-0844 | 232 E 59th St Fl 5 | New York | NY | 10022 |
S B G Design Inc | 212-583-1790 | 979 3rd Ave Ste 1615 | New York | NY | 10022 |
Samuel & Sons | 212-704-8000 | 983 3rd Ave | New York | NY | 10022 |
Samuel Botero Assocs Inc | 212-935-5155 | 309 E 52nd St | New York | NY | 10022 |
Sheridan Interiors Inc | 212-688-6554 | 136 E 57th St Ste 1205 | New York | NY | 10022 |
Stephen Stempler Designs Inc | 212-688-3380 | 237 E 60th St Frnt | New York | NY | 10022 |
Sutton Place Frame Shop Inc | 212-355-3840 | 998 1st Ave | New York | NY | 10022 |
William McGinn Interior Design | 212-758-8824 | 400 E 57th St Apt 10P | New York | NY | 10022 |
Zoffany Ltd | 212-593-9787 | 979 3rd Ave Ste 1403 | New York | NY | 10022 |
Zohreh Design Inc | 212-688-2208 | 115 E 57th St Fl 11 | New York | NY | 10022 |
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