Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in New York, NY 10002
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for New York NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abrons Arts Center | 212-598-0400 | 466 Grand St | New York | NY | 10002 |
American Barber Institute Inc | 212-290-2289 | 113 Canal St | New York | NY | 10002 |
Beth Jacob Schls | 212-473-4500 | 142 Broome St | New York | NY | 10002 |
Grand Street Beacon Cc at Jhs 22 | 212-505-6338 | 145 Stanton St | New York | NY | 10002 |
Heart River Healing School | 212-222-7748 | 270 Fdr Dr | New York | NY | 10002 |
Henry Street Settlement Family School | 212-614-0537 | 110 Baruch Dr | New York | NY | 10002 |
Maryknoll Kindergarten | 212-431-8769 | 10 Confucius Plz Bsmt | New York | NY | 10002 |
Montessori School the East River | 212-254-7300 | 577 Grand St | New York | NY | 10002 |
N Y City of | 212-677-5190 | 111 Columbia St | New York | NY | 10002 |
N Y City of | 212-674-2690 | 285 Delancey St | New York | NY | 10002 |
N Y City of | 212-677-5710 | 442 E Houston St | New York | NY | 10002 |
N Y City of | 212-254-9577 | 166 Essex St | New York | NY | 10002 |
N Y City of | 212-876-4639 | 116 Fdr Dr | New York | NY | 10002 |
N Y City of | 212-674-7000 | 350 Grand St | New York | NY | 10002 |
N Y City of | 212-964-0350 | 122 Henry St | New York | NY | 10002 |
N Y City of | 212-406-9411 | 220 Henry St | New York | NY | 10002 |
N Y City of | 212-226-8410 | 71 Hester St | New York | NY | 10002 |
N Y City of | 212-677-4680 | 123 Ridge St | New York | NY | 10002 |
Our Lady of Sorrows School | 212-473-0320 | 213 Stanton St Ofc | New York | NY | 10002 |
St Joseph School | 212-233-5152 | 1 Monroe St | New York | NY | 10002 |
Yeshiva Tifereth Israel of Rizhin | 212-732-3660 | 247 E Broadway Frnt | New York | NY | 10002 |
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