Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in New York, NY 10024
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for New York NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abraham Joshua Heschel School | 212-595-7087 | 270 W 89th St | New York | NY | 10024 |
Anglo Amer School The | 212-724-6360 | 18 W 89th St | New York | NY | 10024 |
Bard Graduate Center The | 212-501-3000 | 18 W 86th St | New York | NY | 10024 |
Calhoun School The | 212-497-6500 | 433 W End Ave | New York | NY | 10024 |
Children's Athletic Training School | 212-877-3154 | 131 W 86th St | New York | NY | 10024 |
Dressmaking & Designing Schl Maison Sap | 212-873-9183 | 312 W 83rd St | New York | NY | 10024 |
Katie Agresta Studio | 212-724-1083 | 119 W 88th St | New York | NY | 10024 |
Metropolitan Montessori School | 212-579-5525 | 325 W 85th St | New York | NY | 10024 |
N Y City of | 212-678-2826 | 160 W 78th St | New York | NY | 10024 |
N Y City of | 212-678-2829 | 132 W 89th St | New York | NY | 10024 |
Ny Interschool Inc | 212-501-0031 | 378 W End Ave | New York | NY | 10024 |
Ny Kids Club | 212-721-4400 | 265 W 87th St | New York | NY | 10024 |
Rodeph Sholom | 212-362-8769 | 10 W 84th St | New York | NY | 10024 |
Rodeph Sholom Congregation | 212-362-5880 | 7 W 83rd St | New York | NY | 10024 |
Saint Agnes High School | 212-712-1935 | 555 W End Ave | New York | NY | 10024 |
Solomon Schechter High School of Ny | 212-877-7747 | 1 W 91st St | New York | NY | 10024 |
St Gregory's Grammar Schl | 212-362-5410 | 144 W 90th St | New York | NY | 10024 |
Yeshiva Hechal Moshe Beth Jacob Scho | 212-877-8709 | 303 W 91st St | New York | NY | 10024 |
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