Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in New York, NY 10027
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for New York NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Broadway Auto Driving School | 212-316-4359 | 357 W 125th St | New York | NY | 10027 |
Church of Christ Bible Institute Offic | 212-316-1452 | 132 W 124th St | New York | NY | 10027 |
College of New Rochelle | 212-662-7500 | 144 W 125th St | New York | NY | 10027 |
Corpus Christi Schl & Convent | 212-662-9344 | 535 W 121st St | New York | NY | 10027 |
Global Business Inst Inc | 212-663-1500 | 209 W 125th St Frnt | New York | NY | 10027 |
H & R Block | 212-222-8014 | 2342 Frederick Douglass B | New York | NY | 10027 |
H & R Block | 212-860-8605 | 20 W 125th St | New York | NY | 10027 |
Harlem Childrens Zone Ps 154 | 212-864-4475 | 250 W 127th St | New York | NY | 10027 |
Institutions Press Inc | 212-316-7088 | 114 Morningside Dr | New York | NY | 10027 |
Liberty Automobile Body Repair Inc | 212-866-2500 | 624 W 130th St | New York | NY | 10027 |
Manhattan School of Music | 212-749-2802 | 132 Claremont Ave | New York | NY | 10027 |
N Y City of | 212-690-5807 | 123 Morningside Dr | New York | NY | 10027 |
N Y City of | 212-678-2849 | 370 W 120th St | New York | NY | 10027 |
N Y City of | 212-678-2865 | 220 W 121st St | New York | NY | 10027 |
N Y City of | 212-666-6400 | 425 W 123rd St | New York | NY | 10027 |
N Y City of | 212-690-5977 | 509 W 129th St | New York | NY | 10027 |
N Y City of | 212-690-5932 | 425 W 130th St | New York | NY | 10027 |
N Y City of | 212-690-5945 | 499 W 133rd St | New York | NY | 10027 |
N Y City of | 212-690-5848 | 625 W 133rd St | New York | NY | 10027 |
New York Theological Seminary Librar | 212-666-4071 | 3041 Broadway | New York | NY | 10027 |
Riverside Language Program | 212-662-3200 | 490 Riverside Dr | New York | NY | 10027 |
St Joseph's School | 212-662-1736 | 168 Morningside Ave | New York | NY | 10027 |
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