Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in New York, NY 10029
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for New York NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
168 E 116 Restrnt Corp | 212-876-4846 | 168 E 116th St | New York | NY | 10029 |
Akwaba | 212-426-8967 | 62 E 116th St | New York | NY | 10029 |
All About Food | 212-423-0446 | 1411 Madison Ave Frnt | New York | NY | 10029 |
Blimpie's | 212-987-9756 | 1928 3rd Ave | New York | NY | 10029 |
Camaradas El Barrio | 212-348-2703 | 2241 1st Ave | New York | NY | 10029 |
Capri Bakery Corp | 212-410-1876 | 186 E 116th St | New York | NY | 10029 |
Caridad Restaurant | 917-492-8600 | 455 E 116th St | New York | NY | 10029 |
Crown Fried Chicken | 212-423-1136 | 2041 1st Ave Frnt | New York | NY | 10029 |
Crown Fried Chicken | 212-996-2651 | 1867 Lexington Ave | New York | NY | 10029 |
D & F Food Service | 212-426-9532 | 154 E 116th St | New York | NY | 10029 |
Double Dragon | 212-534-6399 | 2037 1st Ave Frnt | New York | NY | 10029 |
El Nuevo Caridad Restaurant | 212-860-8187 | 2257 2nd Ave | New York | NY | 10029 |
El Nuevo Paraiso | 212-289-3865 | 1773 Lexington Ave | New York | NY | 10029 |
El Paso Taqueria | 212-831-9831 | 1642 Lexington Ave Frnt | New York | NY | 10029 |
El Tapatio Mexican Restaurant | 212-876-3055 | 209 E 116th St | New York | NY | 10029 |
El'carbonicito Restaurant | 212-369-7876 | 322 E 116th St | New York | NY | 10029 |
Empire Corner II | 212-410-5756 | 1415 5th Ave | New York | NY | 10029 |
Esmeralda Restaurant | 212-828-1234 | 2105 1st Ave | New York | NY | 10029 |
Fa Xing Restaurant | 212-423-0760 | 2107 3rd Ave | New York | NY | 10029 |
Falafel Express | 212-987-6185 | 1406 Madison Ave | New York | NY | 10029 |
Fumei | 212-996-5376 | 305 E 115th St Frnt | New York | NY | 10029 |
Halal Restaurant | 212-722-5250 | 2127 2nd Ave | New York | NY | 10029 |
Hanratty's Restaurant | 212-369-3420 | 1410 Madison Ave Frnt | New York | NY | 10029 |
Kennedy Fried Chicken | 212-996-5719 | 1774 Lexington Ave | New York | NY | 10029 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 212-423-0599 | 1922 3rd Ave | New York | NY | 10029 |
La Isla Restaurant | 212-534-0002 | 1883 3rd Ave | New York | NY | 10029 |
Lexington Restrnt | 212-534-4732 | 1869 Lexington Ave | New York | NY | 10029 |
Manik Restrnt Corp | 212-860-1121 | 184 E 116th St | New York | NY | 10029 |
Mi Pelenque | 212-348-9192 | 154 E 112th St | New York | NY | 10029 |
Millenium Lux | 212-831-9200 | 2249 1st Ave | New York | NY | 10029 |
Mr Rice Kitchen | 212-876-5912 | 1631 Lexington Ave | New York | NY | 10029 |
One Fish Two Fish Restaurant | 212-369-5677 | 1399 Madison Ave | New York | NY | 10029 |
Orbit | 212-348-7818 | 2257 1st Ave | New York | NY | 10029 |
Oriental Palace Restaurant | 212-534-6087 | 1728 Madison Ave | New York | NY | 10029 |
Pablo Mexico Restaurant | 212-860-4904 | 1643 Lexington Ave | New York | NY | 10029 |
Pee Dee Steak House | 212-996-3300 | 2006 3rd Ave | New York | NY | 10029 |
Peters Restrnt | 212-722-4400 | 1413 Madison Ave | New York | NY | 10029 |
Rahin Inc | 212-534-4637 | 1985 3rd Ave | New York | NY | 10029 |
Rao's Restaurant | 212-722-6709 | 455 E 114th St | New York | NY | 10029 |
Restaurant Aguirre | 212-369-0141 | 2126 2nd Ave | New York | NY | 10029 |
Ricardo Steak House | 212-289-5895 | 2145 2nd Ave | New York | NY | 10029 |
Ruiz Restaurant | 212-831-7243 | 1621 Lexington Ave | New York | NY | 10029 |
San Francisco De Assis Restaurant Corp | 212-427-4440 | 1779 Lexington Ave | New York | NY | 10029 |
Shabaz's Restaurant Corp | 212-369-2514 | 1998 2nd Ave | New York | NY | 10029 |
Spicy Pot Express Caribbean & Ame | 212-996-2310 | 2173 2nd Ave | New York | NY | 10029 |
Steak & Hoagies | 917-492-5001 | 1657 Madison Ave | New York | NY | 10029 |
Subway Sandwich | 212-426-2070 | 1873 2nd Ave | New York | NY | 10029 |
Triple A Restaurant | 212-410-6950 | 2061 2nd Ave | New York | NY | 10029 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 212-996-4020 | 2123 3rd Ave | New York | NY | 10029 |
Zio Gianni Italian Restaurant | 212-348-0200 | 1569 Lexington Ave | New York | NY | 10029 |
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