Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Rome, NY 13440
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Rome NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
All Saints Parish Polish National | 315-337-2382 | 801 Hickory St | Rome | NY | 13440 |
Banks Ian J Pastor | 315-337-4464 | 1006 W Embargo St | Rome | NY | 13440 |
Bartlett Baptist Church | 315-337-4437 | Bartlett Rd | Rome | NY | 13440 |
Bejian Timothy C Rev | 315-336-3341 | 8539 Turin Rd | Rome | NY | 13440 |
Charity Bible Baptist Church | 315-336-3838 | 333 Matthew St | Rome | NY | 13440 |
Christian & Missionary Alliance Church | 315-336-3483 | 920 Turin St | Rome | NY | 13440 |
Christian Preschool at St John's Luthe | 315-336-8090 | 502 W Chestnut St | Rome | NY | 13440 |
Delta United Methodist Church | 315-336-1940 | Turin Rd | Rome | NY | 13440 |
First Baptist Church | 315-336-2610 | 301 W Embargo St | Rome | NY | 13440 |
First Free Methodist Church | 315-337-9743 | 317 W Embargo St | Rome | NY | 13440 |
First Presbyterian Church | 315-336-1380 | 108 W Court St | Rome | NY | 13440 |
First United Methodist Church | 315-336-1740 | 212 W Embargo St | Rome | NY | 13440 |
Floyd United Methodist Church | 315-865-4027 | 8398 New Floyd Rd | Rome | NY | 13440 |
Friendship Baptist Church | 315-336-2278 | 4964 Rome New London Rd | Rome | NY | 13440 |
Grace Union Amer M E Church | 315-339-0790 | 606 Woodland Ave | Rome | NY | 13440 |
Graichen Frank G Rev | 315-336-2833 | 215 W Court St | Rome | NY | 13440 |
Maranatha Church | 315-336-0685 | 7124 Canterbury Hill Rd | Rome | NY | 13440 |
New Hope Baptist Church | 315-337-4436 | 323 W Bloomfield St | Rome | NY | 13440 |
Northeastern District of the Christia | 315-336-4720 | 6275 Pillmore Dr | Rome | NY | 13440 |
One Heart Church | 315-865-4848 | 8470 New Floyd Rd | Rome | NY | 13440 |
Resurrection Life Church | 315-339-6318 | 628 Floyd Ave | Rome | NY | 13440 |
Salloum Magead Rev | 315-339-6542 | 506 W Dominick St | Rome | NY | 13440 |
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