Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Rome, NY 13440
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Rome NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Boces Consortium of Continuing Educ | 315-334-8000 | Site 214 Liberty W | Rome | NY | 13440 |
Catholic School Tuition | 315-336-6190 | 800 Cypress St | Rome | NY | 13440 |
Central New York Dso | 315-336-7750 | 505 N George St | Rome | NY | 13440 |
Central New York Dso | 315-336-2300 | 101 W Liberty St | Rome | NY | 13440 |
Children's Corner at Rome Inc | 315-339-0981 | 401 Turin St | Rome | NY | 13440 |
H & R Block | 315-336-5990 | Westgate Plz | Rome | NY | 13440 |
Rome City School District | 315-338-5280 | 409 Bell Rd S | Rome | NY | 13440 |
Rome City School District | 315-334-1260 | 8194 Bielby Rd | Rome | NY | 13440 |
Rome City School District | 315-338-5260 | 7118 Brennon Ave | Rome | NY | 13440 |
Rome City School District | 315-334-1240 | 8679 Elmer Hill Rd | Rome | NY | 13440 |
Rome City School District | 315-334-1280 | 7841 Ridge Mills Rd | Rome | NY | 13440 |
Rome City School District | 315-338-5360 | 1001 Ruby St | Rome | NY | 13440 |
Rome City School District | 315-334-1220 | Turin | Rome | NY | 13440 |
Rome City School District | 315-334-5180 | 758 W Liberty St | Rome | NY | 13440 |
Rome City School District | 315-338-5380 | 110 W Linden St | Rome | NY | 13440 |
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