Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Baldwinsville, NY 13027
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Baldwinsville NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Advanced Video Productions | 315-635-4841 | | Baldwinsville | NY | 13027 |
Baldwinsville Alliance Church | 315-638-0353 | RR 48 | Baldwinsville | NY | 13027 |
Baldwinsville First United Methodis | 315-635-6442 | 17 W Genesee St | Baldwinsville | NY | 13027 |
Bella Bakery | 315-635-5601 | 7283 State Fair Blvd | Baldwinsville | NY | 13027 |
Clergy | 315-635-9964 | 64 Oswego St | Baldwinsville | NY | 13027 |
Community Christian Reformed Church | 315-638-1664 | 7823 Hicks Rd | Baldwinsville | NY | 13027 |
Fireside Inn | 315-638-0214 | 2345 W Genesee Rd | Baldwinsville | NY | 13027 |
First Baptist Church | 315-635-5792 | 22 Syracuse St | Baldwinsville | NY | 13027 |
H T V Photography | 315-635-8020 | 38 Carousel Ln | Baldwinsville | NY | 13027 |
Hillview Community Baptist Church | 315-638-0357 | Obrien Rd | Baldwinsville | NY | 13027 |
Keely's Bridal & Formal Wear | 315-638-5200 | 4 W Genesee St | Baldwinsville | NY | 13027 |
Logs To Lumber | 315-678-2151 | 714 Church Rd | Baldwinsville | NY | 13027 |
Noble's Flower Gallery | 315-635-5901 | 23 Syracuse St | Baldwinsville | NY | 13027 |
Ontario District Office of Ncny | 315-635-4873 | 16 Charlotte St | Baldwinsville | NY | 13027 |
St Mark's Lutheran Church | 315-635-9047 | 2840 Cold Springs Rd | Baldwinsville | NY | 13027 |
Temple Baptist Church | 315-638-1159 | 2295 Downer Street Rd | Baldwinsville | NY | 13027 |
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