Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Syracuse, NY 13205
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Syracuse NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bell Grove Missionary Baptist Church | 315-476-7391 | 219 W Castle St | Syracuse | NY | 13205 |
Child Evangelism Fellowship | 315-458-7604 | 109 Ferndale Dr | Syracuse | NY | 13205 |
Christian & Missionary Alliance Church | 315-492-1741 | 3112 Midland Ave | Syracuse | NY | 13205 |
Gethsemane Baptist Church | 315-469-7343 | 372 W Matson Ave | Syracuse | NY | 13205 |
Lutheran Church Upstate Ny | 315-446-2502 | 890 E Brighton Ave | Syracuse | NY | 13205 |
New Covenant Bapt Church | 315-476-3737 | 107 E Beard Ave | Syracuse | NY | 13205 |
New Hope Missionary Baptist Church | 315-476-8961 | 241 W Lafayette Ave | Syracuse | NY | 13205 |
Peace Inc | 315-470-3314 | 108 W Kennedy St | Syracuse | NY | 13205 |
South Presbyterian Church | 315-478-2105 | 112 W Colvin St | Syracuse | NY | 13205 |
St Andrews Episcopal Church | 315-469-1655 | 5013 S Salina St | Syracuse | NY | 13205 |
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