Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Syracuse, NY 13212
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Syracuse NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A D J Entertainment | 315-476-8742 | 312 S Main St | Syracuse | NY | 13212 |
A New York Bride | 315-452-0600 | 429 S Main St | Syracuse | NY | 13212 |
Andrews Memorial United Methodist Churc | 315-458-0890 | 106 Church Pkwy | Syracuse | NY | 13212 |
Becky's Custom Creations | 315-451-1321 | 7575 Buckley Rd | Syracuse | NY | 13212 |
Central New York Marian Center | 315-452-4698 | 5180 W Taft Rd | Syracuse | NY | 13212 |
Congregation Ner Tamid | 315-457-0995 | 5061 W Taft Rd | Syracuse | NY | 13212 |
Geddes Bakery | 315-437-8084 | 423 S Main St | Syracuse | NY | 13212 |
Little Lamb Christian Pre School | 315-458-0271 | 420 S Main St | Syracuse | NY | 13212 |
Luther Memorial Lutheran Church | 315-458-1481 | 435 S Main St | Syracuse | NY | 13212 |
North Syracuse Christian Churc | 315-458-8808 | 911 Church St | Syracuse | NY | 13212 |
Rebecca's Bridal Boutique | 315-458-6833 | 306 S Main St | Syracuse | NY | 13212 |
Rock A Rolla Dj Svce | 315-451-4337 | 108 Primrose Ln | Syracuse | NY | 13212 |
Something Old Something New | 315-458-3152 | 408 S Main St | Syracuse | NY | 13212 |
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