Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in East Syracuse, NY 13057
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for East Syracuse NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bishop Grimes High School | 315-437-0356 | 6653 Kirkville Rd | East Syracuse | NY | 13057 |
Boces Onondaga Cortland Madison | 315-433-2609 | 6075 E Malloy Rd | East Syracuse | NY | 13057 |
Boces Onondaga Cortland Madison | 315-437-0289 | 6655 Kirkville Rd | East Syracuse | NY | 13057 |
Central New York Developmental S | 315-432-0251 | 6508 Basile Rowe | East Syracuse | NY | 13057 |
Central New York Developmental S | 315-656-3358 | 7152 E Taft Rd | East Syracuse | NY | 13057 |
East Syracuse Minoa Centrl Schls | 315-463-2416 | 116 E Heman St | East Syracuse | NY | 13057 |
East Syracuse Minoa Centrl Schls | 315-656-7201 | 407 Fremont Rd | East Syracuse | NY | 13057 |
East Syracuse Minoa Centrl Schls | 315-656-7236 | 6316 Fremont Rd | East Syracuse | NY | 13057 |
East Syracuse Minoa Centrl Schls | 315-656-7265 | 6318 Fremont Rd | East Syracuse | NY | 13057 |
East Syracuse Minoa Centrl Schls | 315-656-2846 | 6400 Fremont Rd | East Syracuse | NY | 13057 |
East Syracuse Minoa Centrl Schls | 315-463-2400 | 230 Kinne St | East Syracuse | NY | 13057 |
East Syracuse Minoa Centrl Schls | 315-656-7246 | 115 W Richmond Rd | East Syracuse | NY | 13057 |
Freeman Business School | 315-432-8396 | 6605 Old Collamer Rd | East Syracuse | NY | 13057 |
St Matthews School | 315-437-1339 | 214 Kinne St | East Syracuse | NY | 13057 |
Sylvan Learning Center | 315-433-9015 | 212 E Manlius St | East Syracuse | NY | 13057 |
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