Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Syracuse, NY 13202
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Syracuse NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Able II Driving School Inc | 315-446-2558 | Shoppingtown | Syracuse | NY | 13202 |
American Red Cross Onondaga Oswego | 315-234-2200 | 220 Herald Pl | Syracuse | NY | 13202 |
Branch's Driving School Inc | 315-478-2446 | Syracuse Univ | Syracuse | NY | 13202 |
Branch's Driving School Inc | 315-478-1963 | 212 N Franklin St | Syracuse | NY | 13202 |
Bryant & Stratton | 315-472-6603 | 400 Montgomery St | Syracuse | NY | 13202 |
Cathedral Schl | 315-422-7217 | 420 Montgomery St | Syracuse | NY | 13202 |
Cathedral School Guardian Angel | 315-422-7218 | 262 E Onondaga St | Syracuse | NY | 13202 |
Central Tech Nursing Program | 315-435-4150 | 258 E Adams St | Syracuse | NY | 13202 |
Empire State College State Universit | 315-472-5730 | 219 Walton St | Syracuse | NY | 13202 |
Jamesville Dewitt Central Schools | 315-445-8340 | Edinger Dr | Syracuse | NY | 13202 |
Liverpool Central Schools | 315-453-1500 | New York | Syracuse | NY | 13202 |
Madrasat Al Ihsan School of Excel | 315-472-5040 | 423 W Onondaga St | Syracuse | NY | 13202 |
Motivational Learning Center | 315-472-3700 | 200 Gifford St | Syracuse | NY | 13202 |
Syracuse City School District | 315-435-4111 | 573 E Genesee St | Syracuse | NY | 13202 |
Syracuse City School District | 315-435-4580 | 416 E Raynor Ave | Syracuse | NY | 13202 |
Syracuse City School District | 315-435-4860 | 335 Montgomery St | Syracuse | NY | 13202 |
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