Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Canandaigua, NY 14424
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Canandaigua NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calvary Assembly of God | 585-394-9416 | 415 N Main St | Canandaigua | NY | 14424 |
Canandaigua Baptist Church | 585-394-3517 | 5026 North Rd | Canandaigua | NY | 14424 |
Cheshire Community Church | 585-394-6607 | 4315 State Route 21 | Canandaigua | NY | 14424 |
Christian Science Church | 585-394-5553 | 3350 Middle Cheshire Rd | Canandaigua | NY | 14424 |
Christian Science Church | 585-394-1114 | 232 S Main St | Canandaigua | NY | 14424 |
Crosswinds Wesleyan Church The | 585-394-5857 | 3360 Middle Cheshire Rd | Canandaigua | NY | 14424 |
First Congregational Church United C | 585-394-2184 | 58 N Main St | Canandaigua | NY | 14424 |
First United Methodist Church of Canan | 585-394-5335 | 100 N Main St | Canandaigua | NY | 14424 |
Grace Bible Baptist Church | 585-394-8730 | 5520 Wells Curtice Rd | Canandaigua | NY | 14424 |
Hopewell Christian Fellowship | 585-394-3390 | 3844 County Road 46 | Canandaigua | NY | 14424 |
Kerr Jas W D Min | 585-394-0503 | 11 Gibson St | Canandaigua | NY | 14424 |
Little Lambs Preschool | 585-394-2760 | 320 S Pearl St | Canandaigua | NY | 14424 |
New Covenant Baptist Church Sbc | 585-394-9440 | 4317 County Road 46 | Canandaigua | NY | 14424 |
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