Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Victor, NY 14564
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Victor NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Biaggi's Ristorante Italiano | 585-223-2290 | 818 Eastview Mall | Victor | NY | 14564 |
Bindi Dessert Service Inc | 585-924-7250 | 6280 State Route 96 | Victor | NY | 14564 |
Brenda's Family Restrnt | 585-924-5025 | 34 E Main St | Victor | NY | 14564 |
Burger King | 585-223-1743 | 670 Eastview Mall | Victor | NY | 14564 |
Burger King | 585-924-7073 | 600 Rowley Rd | Victor | NY | 14564 |
Champps Restaurant & Bar | 585-223-3310 | 819 Eastview Mall | Victor | NY | 14564 |
Charley's Steakery | 585-223-9160 | 681 Eastview Mall | Victor | NY | 14564 |
Charlie Riedel's Fast Food Family Res | 585-924-4310 | 7457 State Route 96 | Victor | NY | 14564 |
Chili's Grill & Bar | 585-924-0220 | 7491 State Route 96 | Victor | NY | 14564 |
Cretekos Diner | 585-924-3779 | 261 W Main St | Victor | NY | 14564 |
El Pacifico Authentic Mexican Restaur | 585-398-0310 | 5763 Duke of Gloucester W | Victor | NY | 14564 |
Flaming Wok | 585-223-8803 | 663 Eastview Mall | Victor | NY | 14564 |
Friendly Restrnts | 585-223-3717 | 202 Eastview Mall | Victor | NY | 14564 |
Gholkar's Inc | 585-924-2050 | 7321 State Route 251 | Victor | NY | 14564 |
Hometown Hots | 585-924-5070 | 79 W Main St | Victor | NY | 14564 |
Houlihan's Restrnt | 585-223-4680 | 10 Square Dr | Victor | NY | 14564 |
India House | 585-742-2030 | 7343 State Route 96 | Victor | NY | 14564 |
Johnny Rockets | 585-421-3777 | 523 Eastview Mall | Victor | NY | 14564 |
King Buffet | 585-425-7338 | 150 Cobblestone Ct | Victor | NY | 14564 |
McDonald's Family Restrnts | 585-924-2840 | 6092 Victor Manchester Rd | Victor | NY | 14564 |
Otto Tomotto's Inc | 585-742-2070 | 300 Phoenix Mills Plz | Victor | NY | 14564 |
Pf Changs Bistro | 585-223-2410 | 820 Eastview Mall | Victor | NY | 14564 |
Seneca Travel Plaza | 585-924-3636 | 7029 Aldridge Rd | Victor | NY | 14564 |
Slice of Napa | 585-924-9020 | 90 1/2 W Main St | Victor | NY | 14564 |
Subway | 585-223-9040 | 693 Eastview Mall | Victor | NY | 14564 |
Super Rainbow Wok | 585-425-2190 | 118 Cobblestone Ct | Victor | NY | 14564 |
Thirsty Turtle Sports Bar II | 585-924-4010 | 7422 State Route 96 | Victor | NY | 14564 |
Tim Hortons Donuts | 585-924-2370 | 260 W Main St | Victor | NY | 14564 |
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