Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Middletown, NY 10940
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Middletown NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Agape Love Multipurpose Center | 845-346-0068 | 26 Monhagen Ave | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
Alliance Church of Middletown | 845-343-8267 | RR 78 | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
Arch Diocese of New York | 845-342-3237 | 149 Cottage St | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
Bharatiya Mandir | 845-361-3055 | 347 Bloomingburg Rd | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
Carmelite Gift Store | 845-344-2226 | 70 Carmelite Dr | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
Carmelites | 845-344-0876 | Carmelite Dr | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
Christian Faith Fellowship | 845-343-4587 | 10 E Main St | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
Christian Science First Church of | 845-342-3303 | 30 Grove St | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 845-692-0364 | Silver Lake Rd | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
Congregation of Yahweh | 845-344-1717 | 15 Center St | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
Cornerstone Baptist Church | 845-341-0551 | 65 Schutt Rd | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
First Baptist Church | 845-343-6460 | 11 Mulberry St | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
First Presbyterian Church | 845-343-4533 | 25 Orchard St | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
Gould James E Rev | 845-343-8712 | 10 Depot St | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
Greater Upperoom Apostolic Faith | 845-343-6703 | 1 Linden Ave | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
Hudson Valley Sikh Society | 845-343-3080 | 84 Genung St | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
Marr John Rev | 845-342-1393 | 32 Jackson Ave | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
Masjid Tawbah | 845-346-0151 | 6 Orchard St | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
Salvation Army Thrift Store | 845-343-0821 | 80 E Main St | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
Second Baptist Church | 845-343-4847 | 125 North St # 133 | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
Seokwang Korean Presb Church | 845-355-8829 | 127 Eatontown Rd | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
St John's A M E Zion Church | 845-343-2796 | 103 East Ave | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
St John's Lutheran Church | 845-342-1963 | 391 Mt Hope Rd | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
St Nicholas Romanian Church | 845-386-3998 | 1572 Mountain Rd | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
St Paul's Baptist Church | 845-343-0082 | 94 Cottage St | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
St Paul's United Methodist Churc | 845-343-6841 | 58 E Main St | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
Webb Horton Memorial Presbyterian Ch | 845-343-2131 | 50 E Main St | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
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