Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Organizations in Middletown, NY 10940
* Each listing below of Organizations Information for Middletown NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ahrc | 845-343-3420 | Fourth | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
Alzheimer's Association | 845-342-2247 | 453 Route 211 E | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
American Heart Association | 845-342-1115 | 419 E Main St Ste 309 | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
American Legion Lodge | 845-343-6542 | 185 Wawayanda Ave | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
Association of Lithuanian Work | 845-343-3774 | 11 King St Ste 204 | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
Buttonwood Hills Homeowners Asso | 845-344-8329 | 153 Concord Ln | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Or | 845-343-0664 | 1 Ashley Ave | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
Elks Lodge | 845-343-1097 | 48 Prospect St | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
Emergency Housing Group Inc | 845-343-7115 | 38 Seward Ave | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
Masonic Temple | 845-343-3042 | 112 North St | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
Orange County Agricultural So | 845-343-4826 | 239 Wisner Ave | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
Recap Welfare To Work | 845-343-9944 | 119 E Main St | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
Spring Hollow Homeowners Asso | 845-342-1232 | Spring Hollow Condos | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
Stony Ford Foundation Inc | 845-343-5523 | 225 Dolson Ave Ste 402A | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
The Middletown Humane Society | 845-361-1861 | 142 Bloomingburg Rd | Middletown | NY | 10940 |
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