Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Astoria, NY 11102
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Astoria NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
First Portugese Speaking Baptis | 718-267-6419 | 2613 18th St | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
First Reformed Church of Astoria | 718-721-4047 | 2735 12th St | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese | 718-626-5111 | 2709 Crescent St | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Holy Cross Ukrainian Catholic Church | 718-932-4060 | 3112 30th Ave | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
House of Prayer & Deliverance Inc | 718-545-1698 | 823 Astoria Blvd | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Muslim Ummah in America Inc | 718-728-4252 | 2336 30th Ave | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
St Demetrios Greek Orthodox Cathed | 718-728-1718 | 31 30 Dr | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Taiwan Union Christian Church | 718-777-2274 | 3059 31st St | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Taiwan Union Christian Church of Ny | 718-278-0408 | 3055 31st St | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
United Methodist Korean Church of Astor | 718-626-1278 | 3044 Crescent St | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Woodside Portugese Four Square | 718-204-9804 | 2550 33rd St | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
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