Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Bayside, NY 11361
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Bayside NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
All Saints Episcopal Church Bayside | 718-229-5631 | 21435 40th Ave | Bayside | NY | 11361 |
Bayside United Methodist Churc | 718-229-4024 | 3820 Bell Blvd | Bayside | NY | 11361 |
Chinese Evangil Mission Church of Queen | 718-352-9570 | 20302 Rocky Hill Rd | Bayside | NY | 11361 |
Eastern District C C N A | 718-279-4787 | 20011 45th Ave | Bayside | NY | 11361 |
Elim Presbyterian Church Inc | 718-279-8333 | 3525 Bell Blvd | Bayside | NY | 11361 |
Korean Glory Presbyterian Ch | 718-225-3021 | 3644 213th St | Bayside | NY | 11361 |
Korean Presbyterian Church of Baysi | 718-229-0858 | 4562 211th St | Bayside | NY | 11361 |
Korean Sung Moon Church | 718-357-1733 | 21529 42nd Ave | Bayside | NY | 11361 |
North Shore Baptist Church | 718-229-7223 | 20209 42nd Ave | Bayside | NY | 11361 |
Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Relig | 718-225-6179 | 3424 203rd St | Bayside | NY | 11361 |
Sacred Heart Religious Education Ofc | 718-631-1307 | 21601 38th Ave | Bayside | NY | 11361 |
Shin Kwang Church of New York The | 718-357-3355 | 3355 Bell Blvd | Bayside | NY | 11361 |
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