Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Flushing, NY 11355
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Flushing NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Asamai Hindu Temple | 718-961-8838 | 4532 Bowne St | Flushing | NY | 11355 |
Bethel Presbyterian Church | 718-460-3546 | 14924 Sanford Ave | Flushing | NY | 11355 |
Boon Church of Oversea Chinese Mission | 718-445-7640 | 4372 Bowne St | Flushing | NY | 11355 |
Chinese for Christ Ny Church | 718-358-9725 | 14221 Franklin Ave | Flushing | NY | 11355 |
Choongsyn Korean Church | 718-359-0040 | 15311 Barclay Ave | Flushing | NY | 11355 |
Christian Press Inc The | 718-886-4400 | 14317 Franklin Ave | Flushing | NY | 11355 |
Church of Christ | 718-886-6396 | 13649 41st Ave | Flushing | NY | 11355 |
Church of Jesus Christ Lds | 718-661-3371 | 14427 Sanford Ave | Flushing | NY | 11355 |
Culture Heritage of India Inc | 718-961-6830 | 4328 Bowne St | Flushing | NY | 11355 |
Enhaeroun Church of Ny The | 718-461-5959 | 14909 41st Ave | Flushing | NY | 11355 |
Faith Bible Seminary | 718-886-9911 | 13324 41st Ave | Flushing | NY | 11355 |
First Baptist Church of Flushing | 718-539-6822 | 14210 Sanford Ave | Flushing | NY | 11355 |
First Presby Church of Flshng | 718-359-0161 | 15020 Barclay Ave | Flushing | NY | 11355 |
First Presbyterian Church | 718-961-9336 | 14903 Sanford Ave | Flushing | NY | 11355 |
Hindu Center Inc | 718-358-6726 | 4552 Kissena Blvd | Flushing | NY | 11355 |
Hsing Yi Sheng Tang Temple | 718-539-3471 | 4333 Parsons Blvd | Flushing | NY | 11355 |
Korean Baptist Church | 718-321-8040 | 15717 Rose Ave | Flushing | NY | 11355 |
Mary's Nativity Church Rectory | 718-359-5996 | 4602 Parsons Blvd | Flushing | NY | 11355 |
New Age Beauty Salon Inc | 718-888-0507 | 13356 41st Ave | Flushing | NY | 11355 |
New York Tan An Christian Churc | 718-886-8403 | 4906 Parsons Blvd | Flushing | NY | 11355 |
Queens Church of Christ | 718-463-0203 | 4208 Murray St | Flushing | NY | 11355 |
Queensboro Hill Community Churc | 718-359-2681 | 13800 60th Ave | Flushing | NY | 11355 |
Shin Sung Presbyterian Church of New Y | 718-762-3303 | 14746 Sanford Ave | Flushing | NY | 11355 |
St Ann's Religious Education | 718-359-8019 | 14232 58th Ave | Flushing | NY | 11355 |
St John's Episcopal Church | 718-961-1333 | 14949 Sanford Ave | Flushing | NY | 11355 |
St Mary's Nativity Religious Educa | 718-353-5961 | 4614 Parsons Blvd | Flushing | NY | 11355 |
St Michael's Church | 718-961-0246 | 13658 41st Ave | Flushing | NY | 11355 |
St Michael's Church | 718-961-0182 | 13676 41st Ave | Flushing | NY | 11355 |
St Michael's Church | 718-961-0312 | 13825 Barclay Ave | Flushing | NY | 11355 |
The Shinil Presbyterian Church of New Y | 718-886-9457 | 14924 41st Ave | Flushing | NY | 11355 |
Unity Church of Flushing | 718-353-5887 | 4211 155th St | Flushing | NY | 11355 |
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