Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Flushing, NY 11358
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Flushing NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Full Gospel Central Church | 718-939-6481 | 16315 Oak Ave | Flushing | NY | 11358 |
Full Gospel United Church of New Y | 718-359-0166 | 16808 Northern Blvd | Flushing | NY | 11358 |
Hyo Shin Bible Presbyterian Ch | 718-445-0379 | 4215 166th St | Flushing | NY | 11358 |
Lutheran Church of the Messiah | 718-358-6738 | 4215 165th St | Flushing | NY | 11358 |
Lutheran Church of the Resurrection | 718-463-4292 | 4416 192nd St | Flushing | NY | 11358 |
Onnuree Church | 718-445-7595 | 16102 46th Ave | Flushing | NY | 11358 |
Queens Herald Church | 718-463-8462 | 4329 162nd St | Flushing | NY | 11358 |
St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church | 718-357-9638 | 4315 196th St | Flushing | NY | 11358 |
St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church | 718-357-4200 | 19610 Northern Blvd | Flushing | NY | 11358 |
The Korean Canaan Presbyterian Ch | 718-359-2222 | 3505 162nd St | Flushing | NY | 11358 |
The Mission of Tao Confucianism in | 718-353-4095 | 3549 166th St | Flushing | NY | 11358 |
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