Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Electrical Services in Astoria, NY 11106
* Each listing below of Electrical Services Information for Astoria NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
B A T Electrical Contracting Inc | 718-932-5971 | 3215 31st Ave | Astoria | NY | 11106 |
Blasko Electrical Contractors | 718-784-7525 | 3638 35th St | Astoria | NY | 11106 |
Boca Electric Corp | 718-932-2499 | 1445 Broadway | Astoria | NY | 11106 |
C Q Electric | 718-204-9255 | 1016 34th Ave | Astoria | NY | 11106 |
Call Elec Co Inc | 718-932-5344 | 3521 9th St | Astoria | NY | 11106 |
Desa Electric Inc | 718-937-6350 | 3551 33rd St | Astoria | NY | 11106 |
Dmp Electric Inc | 718-721-7010 | 1106 Broadway # B | Astoria | NY | 11106 |
Fred Geller Electrical Inc | 718-424-2800 | 3626 31st St | Astoria | NY | 11106 |
Henry Paul Electric Inc | 718-392-3227 | 3620 13th St | Astoria | NY | 11106 |
High-Tech Electrical Svc | 718-472-1034 | 3633 23rd St | Astoria | NY | 11106 |
K V Power Electric Inc | 718-706-0860 | 3603 13th St | Astoria | NY | 11106 |
Konsker Electric Corp | 718-721-1122 | 3215 36th Ave | Astoria | NY | 11106 |
N J S Electrical Svcs Corp | 718-784-9111 | 3616 13th St | Astoria | NY | 11106 |
New Age Electrical | 718-545-3333 | 3558 33rd St | Astoria | NY | 11106 |
Queens Electrical Contractors | 718-349-9898 | 3405 34th St | Astoria | NY | 11106 |
Reliable Electrical Supply | 718-932-1132 | 901 34th Ave | Astoria | NY | 11106 |
Shorr Electrical Contracting Inc | 718-956-8238 | 3413 10th St | Astoria | NY | 11106 |
Velta Electl Contractors Cor | 718-545-2411 | 3505 31st Ave | Astoria | NY | 11106 |
Venus Electrical Contractors | 718-937-3575 | 3414 Crescent St | Astoria | NY | 11106 |
Werner Electrical Corp | 718-932-6200 | 3202 31st Ave | Astoria | NY | 11106 |
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