Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Elevator Services in Long Island, NY 11101
* Each listing below of Elevator Services Information for Long Island NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Able Elevator & Door Repr Co Inc | 212-674-7607 | 3702 27th St | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Ace Gear & Machine Industries Inc | 718-729-5737 | 1025 47th Rd | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
American Elevator & Machine Corp | 718-784-0101 | 2112 44th Dr | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Apex Elevator Svce Co Inc | 718-784-4604 | 3923 29th St | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Atlas Elevator Corp | 718-392-1400 | 5215 11th St Ste 20 | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
C E C Elevator Cab Corp | 718-937-7191 | 4350 10th St | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Colonial Elevator Corp | 718-786-7185 | 2250 Jackson Ave | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Consolidated Elevator | 718-784-0560 | 548 50th Ave | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Crossland Consulting & Expediting Svcs | 718-729-3890 | 1041 47th Rd | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Curtis Elevator Constr Corp | 718-361-7200 | 4736 36th St | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Dural Elevator Enclosure Co in | 718-729-1333 | 3130 Greenpoint Ave | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Express Elevator Construction Co | 718-784-5248 | 2814 41st Ave | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Keystone Iron & Wire Works Inc | 718-392-1616 | 223 Borden Ave | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Liberty Electrical and Elevator Supply | 718-482-8341 | 2518 38th Ave | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Liberty Elevator Co | 212-226-2863 | 3808 24th St | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Mainco Air Conditioning & Refrigratn | 718-786-3301 | 525 51st Ave | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Ps Marcato Elevator Co Inc | 718-392-6400 | 4411 11th St | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Staley Elevators | 718-786-4300 | 3840 43rd St | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
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