Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Home Builders in Astoria, NY 11102
* Each listing below of Home Builders Information for Astoria NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
American Classic Home Improvements Co | 718-956-5514 | 2321 28th Ave | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Bina Maintenance Inc | 718-204-4732 | 3075 14th St | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Bng Construction Inc | 718-956-6325 | 1444 30th Rd | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Chian Enterprises | 718-728-8892 | 3035 31st St | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Corona Management Corp | 718-278-3442 | 2731 Crescent St Apt 3R | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Dynatec Contracting | 718-721-9362 | 2552 Crescent St | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Francis Albert Contracting Cor | 718-267-6806 | 2545 22nd St | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Gazebo Contracting Inc | 718-728-1770 | 302 26th Ave | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Georges Associates Inc | 718-274-4800 | 3202 30th Ave | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
I E B Genl Contrctng Corp | 718-204-2552 | 3064 21st St | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
I T Contracting Inc | 718-956-6202 | 1421 Astoria Blvd | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Int'l Tile Design Corp | 718-728-3100 | 3050 21st St | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Ioannou Contracting Corp | 718-932-7274 | 2460 32nd St | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Ithaca Construction Corp | 718-932-2350 | 2802 Astoria Blvd # A | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
J P R Construction Company Inc | 718-626-8585 | 315 26th Ave | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Meandros Construction Inc | 718-545-3121 | 2716 Hoyt Ave S | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Millenium Century Construction in | 718-545-8960 | 2638 18th St | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Moeller & Son Mechanical Cont | 718-267-9807 | 2807 24th Ave | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Mondol Construction Inc | 718-626-1769 | 1127 30th Dr | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Ny Center for Rehabilitation | 718-626-4800 | 2613 21st St | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Olympus Genl Contrctrs Inc | 718-545-6380 | 3092 14th St | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
P A C Constr Svces Corp | 718-204-9403 | 2540 Shore Blvd Apt 1C | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Pcs Construction | 718-721-4923 | Vernon Blvd & 30 | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Pythagoras General Contrctng Corp | 718-956-1016 | 867 Astoria Blvd | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Riconda Maintenance Inc | 718-726-1511 | 1403 30th Dr | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Santiago Betes & Son Inc | 718-278-8000 | 2440 29th St | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Sigma Enterprises Inc | 718-204-7078 | 1819 27th Ave | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Solid Restoration Corp | 718-721-6944 | 3042 14th St | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
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