Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Homes in Long Island, NY 11101
* Each listing below of Homes Information for Long Island NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
1st Steinway Brokerage | 718-786-9004 | 40-19 35th Ave | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
34-01 38 Av Corp | 718-729-3010 | 3401 38th Ave | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
41st Ave Realty Associates Llc | 718-707-0924 | 2928 41st Ave | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
45-18 Court Square Llc | 718-392-6544 | 4517 Pearson St | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
A J A Y Realty Corp | 718-361-8122 | 4121 29th St | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Andover Realty Inc | 718-392-0642 | 2927 41st Ave | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Artificial Reality | 718-707-9797 | 2919 39th Ave | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Axiom Real Estate Management Inc | 718-248-1937 | 1 Court Sq | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Bel-Site Realty Corp | 718-392-4900 | 3511 41st St | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Bridgedale Llc | 718-937-5330 | 2302 49th Ave | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Centex M F S | 718-349-2900 | 1131 46th Rd | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Chao Tang International Corp | 718-937-7711 | 4331 33rd St | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Crest Haven Realty | 718-433-3777 | 1007 50th Ave | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Diana & Yuras Inc | 718-729-7474 | 4518 Court Sq Ste 403 | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Don Lieberman Organization in | 718-786-6300 | 2301 44th Dr | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Fifth Av Managmnt Assn | 718-784-7130 | 4020 22nd St | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Kaplon Belo Associates Inc | 718-392-3456 | 2416 Queens Plz S Ste 408 | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Kassabian Realty Llc | 718-937-5091 | 3010 41st Ave | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Kodo Realty Llc | 718-752-0432 | 4507 Davis St | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
L & E P Realty Corp | 718-361-7380 | 3114 38th Ave # B | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Metro Management Development Inc | 718-706-7755 | 4225 21st St | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Morbeck Corp | 718-706-6420 | 4261 24th St | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
New York City Outward Bound Center | 718-361-7266 | 2946 Northern Blvd | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Nicole Vixamar Realty | 718-391-0252 | 3423 Steinway St | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Pjh Realty Corp | 718-786-7612 | 4546 Vernon Blvd | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Plaza-Hunter Realty Co | 718-361-8383 | 3801 Queens Blvd | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Queensbridge Houses | 718-784-6154 | 4011 10th St | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Regina Holdings Llc | 718-786-2049 | 4120 29th St | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Rubyanne Development Llc | 718-609-1895 | 3721 Vernon Blvd | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
S & S 27 Realty Corp | 718-784-2980 | 4761 Pearson Pl | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
S T P Realty Corp | 718-729-1384 | 4036 22nd St | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Sig Partners | 718-361-1515 | 3236 47th Ave | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Skillman Av Corp | 718-937-1127 | 3302 Skillman Ave | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
Weil-Oks | 718-937-1803 | 4461 11th St | Long Island | NY | 11101 |
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