Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Physicians in Astoria, NY 11102
* Each listing below of Physicians Information for Astoria NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A A A Ct Mri Pc | 718-777-0300 | 2743 Crescent St | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Advanced Radiation Oncology Svcs O | 718-267-2763 | 2322 30th Ave | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Advanced Radiological Imaging | 718-204-5801 | 2916 Astoria Blvd | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Akhtar Sajjad MD | 718-956-9734 | 2526 30th Ave | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
All Island Allergy Medical Care | 718-545-1999 | 2747 Crescent St | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Asklipios Medical Group Inc | 718-545-0333 | 3072 31st St | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Astoria Breast Cancer Detection Cente | 718-267-0700 | 3060 Crescent St | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Astoria Genl Hosp | 718-932-1000 | 2510 30th Ave | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Astoria Pediatrics | 718-545-2500 | 2922 30th Ave | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Astoria Sleep & Lung Disorder Servic | 718-278-4400 | 2334 30th Ave | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Besser Walter A MD | 718-204-7752 | 3071 29th St | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Bhat J G MD | 718-545-3617 | 2511 Astoria Blvd | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Bloom & Costin Md's | 718-278-8024 | 2322 30th Rd | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Broadway Cardio & Pulmonary Assoc | 718-278-4803 | 2104 30th Ave | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Crescent Medical Assocs | 718-278-6666 | 2759 Crescent St | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Ditkoff Cataract & Laser Center | 718-728-4800 | 3002 30th Dr | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Fukilman Oscar MD | 718-267-1102 | 2531 30th Rd | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Georgis Michael MD | 718-728-2626 | 2540 30th Rd | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Isakovic Dusan MD | 718-274-7817 | 2333 30th Ave | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Lerner Paul MD | 718-726-5340 | 3016 30th Dr | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Lewis Jeffrey | 718-626-1810 | 28-1 Steinway St | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Marone Franklin MD | 718-956-1440 | 3044 29th St | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Medisys Health Network | 718-278-6885 | 421 27th Ave | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Mehra Sunil MD | 718-726-3535 | 2340 30th Ave | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Mertsaris Nicola MD | 718-626-7029 | 2525 Crescent St | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
Patsarisis Nicholas MD | 718-932-7660 | 2567 33rd St | Astoria | NY | 11102 |
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