Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Troy, NY 12180
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Troy NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel Baptist Church | 518-274-4303 | 2165 5th Ave | Troy | NY | 12180 |
Brunswick Baptist Church | 518-237-1932 | 385 Grange Rd | Troy | NY | 12180 |
Brunswick Church | 518-279-1140 | 42 White Church Ln | Troy | NY | 12180 |
Center Brunswick United Methodieducatio | 518-279-0979 | 990 Hoosick Rd | Troy | NY | 12180 |
Christ Church United Methodist | 518-272-8392 | 35 State St | Troy | NY | 12180 |
Christian Church Disciples of Ch | 518-279-1588 | 2 Maple Ave | Troy | NY | 12180 |
Christian Team Ministry | 518-273-8561 | 82 3rd St | Troy | NY | 12180 |
Christian Team Ministry | 518-271-8589 | 560 Congress St | Troy | NY | 12180 |
East Ridge Community Church | 518-629-4848 | 80 Vandenburgh Ave | Troy | NY | 12180 |
Fifth Avenue A M E Zion Church | 518-235-2700 | 189 5th Ave | Troy | NY | 12180 |
Holy Cross Armenian Apostolic Churc | 518-274-1477 | 101 Spring Ave | Troy | NY | 12180 |
Hope United Methodist Church | 518-279-1403 | 566 Brunswick Rd | Troy | NY | 12180 |
Iglesia De Dios Ebenezer | 518-273-0450 | 552 1st St | Troy | NY | 12180 |
Raymertown Evangelical Luth Church | 518-663-5584 | Old Troy-Hoosck Rd | Troy | NY | 12180 |
Redeeming Love Gospel Church | 518-272-0571 | 42 Woodward Ave | Troy | NY | 12180 |
Redemption Church of Christ of the A | 518-272-6679 | 192 9th St | Troy | NY | 12180 |
St Anthony of Padua Church | 518-273-8622 | 28 State St | Troy | NY | 12180 |
St Nicholas Ukrainian Orthodox Church | 518-271-0894 | 391 2nd St | Troy | NY | 12180 |
Troy Area United Ministries | 518-274-5920 | 392 2nd St | Troy | NY | 12180 |
United Armenian Calvary Congregational | 518-274-1651 | 9th & Eagle | Troy | NY | 12180 |
Victorious Life Christian Churc | 518-272-4237 | 1838 5th Ave | Troy | NY | 12180 |
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