Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Florists in Troy, NY 12180
* Each listing below of Florists Information for Troy NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Central Market Florist | 518-266-0689 | 716 Hoosick Rd | Troy | NY | 12180 |
Felthousen's Florist & Greenhouse | 518-271-0452 | 448 Hoosick St | Troy | NY | 12180 |
Fleur De Lis | 518-272-8120 | 15 2nd St | Troy | NY | 12180 |
Flower World | 518-270-9308 | 250 Broadway | Troy | NY | 12180 |
Forget Me Not Flower Shop | 518-237-5065 | 96 5th Ave | Troy | NY | 12180 |
Hasslinger's Wm Flowers | 518-272-3010 | Oakwood Avenue Ext | Troy | NY | 12180 |
Henry F Clas Florist Llc | 518-273-4132 | 532 Pawling Ave | Troy | NY | 12180 |
L & S Garden Center | 518-273-1481 | 470 Pawling Ave | Troy | NY | 12180 |
Michelle's Floral Designs | 518-272-0210 | 299 4th St | Troy | NY | 12180 |
Worthington Flowers | 518-283-2101 | 125 W Sand Lake Rd | Troy | NY | 12180 |
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