Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Monsey, NY 10952
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Monsey NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Adolph H Schreiber Hebrew Academy | 845-357-1515 | 70 Highview Rd | Monsey | NY | 10952 |
American Friends of Thorat Chajm | 845-371-7972 | 9 Tokay Ln | Monsey | NY | 10952 |
Bais Chinuch L'bonois Inc | 845-371-0799 | 3 Fosse Ct | Monsey | NY | 10952 |
Bais Medrosh Elyon | 845-578-9726 | 73 Main St | Monsey | NY | 10952 |
Bais Shifra Miriam | 845-356-0061 | 229 Maple Ave | Monsey | NY | 10952 |
Bais Yaakov Chofetz Chaim of Pomona | 845-356-4032 | 186 Saddle River Rd | Monsey | NY | 10952 |
Bais Yaakov of Spring Valley | 845-356-3113 | 11 Smolley Dr | Monsey | NY | 10952 |
Beth Medrash Eeyun Hatalmud | 845-356-0477 | 14 Fred Eller Dr | Monsey | NY | 10952 |
Beth Rochel Elem Schl | 845-352-5000 | 145 Saddle River Rd | Monsey | NY | 10952 |
Bnos Israel Girls High School | 845-352-3252 | 1 School Ter | Monsey | NY | 10952 |
Bnos Yisriel Viznitz Girls School | 845-356-1427 | 20 Ashel Ln | Monsey | NY | 10952 |
Chabad Lubavitch Synagogue | 845-356-3850 | 4 Phyllis Ter | Monsey | NY | 10952 |
Congregation & Yeshiva Zichron Yeshaia | 845-425-1005 | 10 Maple Ter | Monsey | NY | 10952 |
Congregation Ateres Zvi | 845-425-5656 | 230 Viola Rd | Monsey | NY | 10952 |
Congregation Tifereth Efraim | 845-356-1400 | 230 Maple Ave | Monsey | NY | 10952 |
East Ramapo Central School District | 845-577-6260 | 151 Grandview Ave | Monsey | NY | 10952 |
East Ramapo Central School District | 845-577-6190 | 25 Margetts Rd | Monsey | NY | 10952 |
East Ramapo Central School District | 845-577-6160 | 43 Robert Pitt Dr | Monsey | NY | 10952 |
Globe Institute of Technology | 845-426-1900 | 4 Melnick Dr | Monsey | NY | 10952 |
Hebrew Academy for Special Childre | 845-356-0191 | 201 Route 306 | Monsey | NY | 10952 |
Jep of Rockland | 845-425-7556 | 86 Route 59 | Monsey | NY | 10952 |
Kadima Learning Center | 845-578-1890 | 10 Locust Hollow Dr | Monsey | NY | 10952 |
Meor Yitzchok Inc | 845-352-5343 | 65 Dykstras Way E | Monsey | NY | 10952 |
Mesifta Beth Shraga | 845-356-1980 | 39 Grove St | Monsey | NY | 10952 |
Mesivta Yochanan Schraga | 845-352-0268 | 20 W Maple Ave | Monsey | NY | 10952 |
Ohr Somayach | 845-425-1370 | 244 Route 306 | Monsey | NY | 10952 |
Yeshiva Beth David | 845-352-3100 | 22 Maple Ter | Monsey | NY | 10952 |
Yeshiva Beth Mikroh | 845-425-4880 | 221 Viola Rd | Monsey | NY | 10952 |
Yeshiva Dvar Yeshorim | 845-368-8761 | 31 Olympia Ln | Monsey | NY | 10952 |
Yeshiva Shaar Ephraim | 845-426-3110 | 5 Acer Ct | Monsey | NY | 10952 |
Yeshivas Wiznitz | 845-371-2489 | 4 Elliot Ct | Monsey | NY | 10952 |
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