Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Schenectady, NY 12304
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Schenectady NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar | 518-346-4455 | 2400 Cambridge Rd | Schenectady | NY | 12304 |
Aquarius Club | 518-382-0632 | 1500 State St | Schenectady | NY | 12304 |
Asian Caribean | 518-377-7767 | 1100 Albany St | Schenectady | NY | 12304 |
Bella Roma | 518-372-8571 | 832 McClellan St | Schenectady | NY | 12304 |
Blue Ribbon Diner | 518-393-2600 | 1801 State St | Schenectady | NY | 12304 |
Brothers Dominick's Pub | 518-372-6878 | 1427 State St | Schenectady | NY | 12304 |
Crosstown Cafe | 518-372-5011 | 1584 State St | Schenectady | NY | 12304 |
Da Vinci's Ristorante | 518-372-4208 | 1414 State St | Schenectady | NY | 12304 |
Fortune Cookie | 518-395-9100 | 3333 Consaul Rd Ste 3 | Schenectady | NY | 12304 |
Gar-Bo's | 518-382-8383 | 1579 State St | Schenectady | NY | 12304 |
Lyle's Hoagies | 518-347-2016 | 1707 State St | Schenectady | NY | 12304 |
Maloney's Pub | 518-377-0229 | 1325 State St | Schenectady | NY | 12304 |
Maurice's Sandwich Shops | 518-377-9327 | 2001 State St | Schenectady | NY | 12304 |
McDonald's | 518-382-8220 | 3700 State St | Schenectady | NY | 12304 |
McDonald's of State St | 518-346-2067 | 1224 State St | Schenectady | NY | 12304 |
McDonald's Restaurant | 518-356-5373 | 5 Cornell St | Schenectady | NY | 12304 |
Ming's Restrnt | 518-393-6888 | 1888 State St | Schenectady | NY | 12304 |
Old Country Buffet | 518-347-0396 | 2320 Watt St | Schenectady | NY | 12304 |
Panera Bread | 518-377-9808 | 412 Balltown Rd | Schenectady | NY | 12304 |
Pustolka's Restrnt | 518-382-9547 | 1913 Hamburg St | Schenectady | NY | 12304 |
Ruby Tuesday Restaurants | 518-346-8730 | 416 Balltown Rd | Schenectady | NY | 12304 |
Sushiart Japanese Restaurant | 518-388-8600 | 2025 State St | Schenectady | NY | 12304 |
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