Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Watkins Glen, NY 14891
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Watkins Glen NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Arby's | 607-535-9609 | 120 Lembeck Ln | Watkins Glen | NY | 14891 |
Bianco's Italian Restaurant | 607-535-2863 | 401 E 4th St | Watkins Glen | NY | 14891 |
Bleachers Sports Bar & Grill | 607-535-6705 | 413 N Franklin St | Watkins Glen | NY | 14891 |
Burger King Restaurants | 607-535-7280 | 211 S Franklin St | Watkins Glen | NY | 14891 |
Cascata Winery at the Professors Inn | 607-535-8000 | 3651 State Route 14 | Watkins Glen | NY | 14891 |
Castel Grisch Winery & Restrnt | 607-535-9614 | Irelandville Rd | Watkins Glen | NY | 14891 |
Chef's Diner | 607-535-9975 | Watkins-Montr Rd | Watkins Glen | NY | 14891 |
House of Hong Inc | 607-535-7024 | 400 N Franklin St | Watkins Glen | NY | 14891 |
Savard's Family Restrnt | 607-535-4538 | 601 N Franklin St | Watkins Glen | NY | 14891 |
Seneca Harbor Station | 607-535-6101 | 3 N Franklin St | Watkins Glen | NY | 14891 |
Wildflower Cafe | 607-535-9797 | 301 N Franklin St | Watkins Glen | NY | 14891 |
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