Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Caterers in Bay Shore, NY 11706
* Each listing below of Caterers Information for Bay Shore NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Amore Pizzeria and Fine Food | 631-968-8181 | 2110 Union Blvd | Bay Shore | NY | 11706 |
Bagel Cafe Deli & Bakery | 631-968-9050 | 134 W Main St | Bay Shore | NY | 11706 |
Bright Bay Delicatessen & Caterers | 631-665-7483 | 182 Howells Rd | Bay Shore | NY | 11706 |
Bruno's Pizza & Pasta Restaurant | 631-968-5588 | 1556 Brentwood Rd | Bay Shore | NY | 11706 |
Captain Bill's | 631-665-6262 | 122 Ocean Ave | Bay Shore | NY | 11706 |
Chowder Bar | 631-665-9859 | 123 Maple Ave | Bay Shore | NY | 11706 |
Fratelli Pizzeria & Restaurant | 631-666-0458 | 553 E Main St | Bay Shore | NY | 11706 |
Joe's Pasta & Pizza of Bay Shore Resta | 631-665-2524 | 73 Howells Rd | Bay Shore | NY | 11706 |
Molly Malone's Waterfront Pub | 631-969-2232 | 124 Maple Ave | Bay Shore | NY | 11706 |
New Forum Diner Restrnt | 631-666-4455 | Montauk Hwy & Sunset | Bay Shore | NY | 11706 |
Sure Power Inc | 631-666-6586 | 1C S Chicago Ave | Bay Shore | NY | 11706 |
Swing Set | 631-666-2138 | 260 Montauk Hwy | Bay Shore | NY | 11706 |
Victorio's II Restaurant & Pi | 631-586-5552 | 20 Bay Shore Rd | Bay Shore | NY | 11706 |
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