Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Bay Shore, NY 11706
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Bay Shore NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abundant Life Christian Fellowship | 631-665-2489 | 68 Redington St | Bay Shore | NY | 11706 |
Christian Science Churches | 631-665-0923 | 8 Lawrence Ln | Bay Shore | NY | 11706 |
Durham African Methodist Episc | 631-231-8726 | Pine Aire Dr | Bay Shore | NY | 11706 |
Ebenezer Christian Church | 631-273-0312 | 63 Wisconsin Ave | Bay Shore | NY | 11706 |
First Baptist Church of Bay Shore | 631-665-8863 | 175 2nd Ave | Bay Shore | NY | 11706 |
First Christian Church | 631-273-7256 | 1818 5th Ave | Bay Shore | NY | 11706 |
First Spanish Baptist Church of Bay S | 631-666-9567 | 1568 5th Ave | Bay Shore | NY | 11706 |
Heritage Baptist Church | 631-968-5358 | 1380 5th Ave | Bay Shore | NY | 11706 |
Iglesia Bautista Fundamental of | 631-665-2457 | 33 Connecticut Ave | Bay Shore | NY | 11706 |
Ilgesia De Dios Pentecostal M I | 631-666-7901 | 1625 5th Ave | Bay Shore | NY | 11706 |
Judah Apostolic Church | 631-206-0093 | 9 Pembrooke Ct | Bay Shore | NY | 11706 |
Masjid Darul Quran | 631-665-5036 | 1514 E 3rd Ave | Bay Shore | NY | 11706 |
Montfort Missionaries | 631-666-7500 | 26 S Saxon Ave | Bay Shore | NY | 11706 |
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church | 631-665-3019 | 169 Pennsylvania Ave | Bay Shore | NY | 11706 |
Spanish Bay Shore Seventh Day Adv | 631-951-4263 | 9 Arizona Ave | Bay Shore | NY | 11706 |
St Lukes Lutheran Church | 631-665-2554 | Lawrence Ln | Bay Shore | NY | 11706 |
United Methodist Church of Bay Shore | 631-666-7194 | E Main & 2 Ave | Bay Shore | NY | 11706 |
Unity Greater Highway Church of Chris | 631-665-6415 | 3 2nd Ave | Bay Shore | NY | 11706 |
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