Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Brentwood, NY 11717
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Brentwood NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Assn Christian United Firm Hands To H | 631-273-1040 | 28 Frank St | Brentwood | NY | 11717 |
Brentwood Congregation of Jehovah's Wi | 631-273-1101 | 1625 Brentwood Rd | Brentwood | NY | 11717 |
Brentwood Presbyterian Church | 631-273-3152 | 127 3rd St | Brentwood | NY | 11717 |
Gospel Tabernacle Church | 631-952-2283 | 40 1st Ave | Brentwood | NY | 11717 |
La Sagrada Palabra | 631-434-1470 | 36A Bushwick Ave | Brentwood | NY | 11717 |
New Covenant | 631-348-1146 | 12 Calebs Path | Brentwood | NY | 11717 |
New Jerusalem Baptist Church | 631-231-5895 | 39 Macarthur Ave | Brentwood | NY | 11717 |
Primera Iglesia Presbyterian Es | 631-273-0409 | 140 McNair St | Brentwood | NY | 11717 |
St Anne's Religious Education | 631-231-7344 | 88 2nd Ave | Brentwood | NY | 11717 |
St Joseph's Convent | 631-231-6158 | 1725 Brentwood Rd Bldg 1 | Brentwood | NY | 11717 |
St Luke's Religious Education Offic | 631-273-4333 | 266 Wicks Rd | Brentwood | NY | 11717 |
Universal Church The | 631-435-3583 | 1018 Suffolk Ave | Brentwood | NY | 11717 |
Washington Av Baptist Church | 631-273-3345 | 67 Washington Ave | Brentwood | NY | 11717 |
Washington Temple C O G I C of Long Isl | 631-952-2775 | 1734 Brentwood Rd | Brentwood | NY | 11717 |
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