Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Central Islip, NY 11722
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Central Islip NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Eglise Baptiste Da | 631-342-9839 | 1547 Islip Ave | Central Islip | NY | 11722 |
Eglise Baptiste De Siloe | 631-348-0677 | 75 Calebs Path | Central Islip | NY | 11722 |
First Baptist Church of Central Islip | 631-234-5986 | 295 Half Mile Rd | Central Islip | NY | 11722 |
First Spanish Baptist Church | 631-234-7244 | 51 Hawthorne Ave | Central Islip | NY | 11722 |
Grace Lutheran Church | 631-234-8524 | Calebs Pth | Central Islip | NY | 11722 |
Hope Missionary Baptist Church | 631-348-9196 | 100 Lemon St | Central Islip | NY | 11722 |
Iglesia Fuente De Agua Viva I Nternaci | 631-234-9064 | 100 E Suffolk Ave | Central Islip | NY | 11722 |
Jehovah's Witnesses East Centraslip | 631-582-2110 | 268 E Suffolk Ave | Central Islip | NY | 11722 |
Lighthouse Tabernacle Church of God | 631-234-2355 | 1230 Motor Pkwy | Central Islip | NY | 11722 |
Righteousness Apostolic Ministries | 631-348-7922 | 19 Brightside Ave | Central Islip | NY | 11722 |
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