Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Organizations in Patchogue, NY 11772
* Each listing below of Organizations Information for Patchogue NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aides at Home | 631-447-1480 | 31 W Main St | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Aisc Marketing Inc | 631-654-4092 | 127 S Ocean Ave | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
American Legion Patchogue Post | 631-475-3822 | Baker | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
American Red Cross Suffolk County | 631-758-5500 | 330 N Dunton Ave | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Amvets Post 111 | 631-475-1721 | 15 Cedar Ave | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Federation of Organizations F | 631-447-6460 | 456 Waverly Ave | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Human Resources Research & Mana | 631-758-3358 | 19 Fry Blvd | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Patchogue Youth Athletic Assoc | 631-654-5243 | 395 River Ave | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Professional Nurses Assoc of Suffol | 631-758-5362 | 270 Medford Ave | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Salvation Army Patchogue | 631-654-9380 | 414 E Main St | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Swan Lake Park Civic Assn Inc | 631-654-3031 | 86 Lake Dr | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Veterans of Foreign Wars | 631-758-8537 | Dunton Ave | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2913 | 631-289-1663 | 32 Edwards St | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
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