Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in East Northport, NY 11731
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for East Northport NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Board of Cooperative Educational Srv | 631-368-5857 | Clay Pitts Rd | East Northport | NY | 11731 |
Children's Reading Workshop Learni | 631-368-0161 | 516 Larkfield Rd | East Northport | NY | 11731 |
Commack Union Free School District | 631-912-2000 | 480 Clay Pitts Rd | East Northport | NY | 11731 |
Elwood Public Schools | 631-266-5400 | 478 Elwood Rd | East Northport | NY | 11731 |
Elwood Public Schools | 631-266-5445 | 30 Harley Ave | East Northport | NY | 11731 |
Northport East Northport Union | 631-262-6770 | 1075 5th Ave | East Northport | NY | 11731 |
Northport East Northport Union | 631-262-6820 | 1157 5th Ave | East Northport | NY | 11731 |
Northport East Northport Union | 631-262-6850 | 623 9th Ave | East Northport | NY | 11731 |
Northport East Northport Union | 631-262-6800 | 253 Bellerose Ave | East Northport | NY | 11731 |
Northport East Northport Union | 631-262-6810 | 120 Dickinson Ave | East Northport | NY | 11731 |
St Paul's Lutheran School | 631-754-4424 | 106 Vernon Valley Rd | East Northport | NY | 11731 |
Suffolk Auto Driving School | 631-588-7575 | 30 Vernon Valley Rd | East Northport | NY | 11731 |
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