Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Patchogue, NY 11772
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Patchogue NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
175 Sabor Latino Restaurant Inc | 631-475-8227 | 175 S Ocean Ave | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Athena East Restaurant | 631-687-2400 | 49 E Main St | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Beach House Restaurant | 631-758-3524 | 363 Grove Ave | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Burger King | 631-207-0050 | 500 Waverly Ave | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Burger King Restrnt | 631-475-8788 | 246 Medford Ave | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
California Diner | 631-363-5338 | 570 S Service Rd | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Casino Restaurant | 631-597-6150 | Trustees Wk | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Country Kitchen | 631-654-3641 | 240 E Main St Ste A | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Donato's Restaurant | 631-447-7766 | 114 W Main St | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Dublin Deck | 631-207-0370 | 325 River Ave | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Dynasty Buffet | 631-758-1888 | 499 N Service Rd Ste 9 | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Ecuamericano Restaurant | 631-289-5435 | 85 S Ocean Ave | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
El Triunfo | 631-654-7030 | 132 E Main St | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Friendly Ice Cream Corp | 631-289-6677 | 522 E Main St | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Gallo Tropical Restaurant | 631-475-4667 | 3 E Main St | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Gin-Lin Restrnt | 631-475-2522 | 26 S Ocean Ave | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Green Chilis Inc | 631-654-5400 | 585 Medford Ave | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Heisei Restaurant | 631-447-1425 | 286 W Main St | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
How May Kitchen & Restrnt | 631-289-0002 | 743 Montauk Hwy | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Howard's Cafe | 631-758-6161 | 404 S Service Rd | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Island Grill Inc | 631-475-2110 | 140 Hospital Rd | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Jmann Seafood | 631-654-3848 | 685 S Country Rd | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Kfc | 631-758-8841 | 508 E Main St | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Kow Loong Kitchen | 631-475-2070 | 499 N Service Rd Ste 76 | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Latino Continental Restaurant | 631-758-8013 | 1160 Montauk Hwy | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Lawan Authentic Thai Rstrnt | 631-687-1313 | 13 E Main St | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Long John Silvers Seafood Shoppe | 631-654-1386 | Sunrise Hwy & Waverl | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Louis Xvi | 631-654-8970 | 600 S Ocean Ave | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Mama Leonora Restaurant & Pizzeria | 631-654-0070 | 33 N Service Rd | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Mc Donald's Restaurants | 631-289-3020 | 769 Montauk Hwy | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
McDonald's Restaurant | 631-289-1473 | 499 N Service Rd Ste 85 | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Mexican Grill 2000 | 631-207-6554 | 703 Medford Ave | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Mickey Felice's Steak House | 631-289-1700 | 411 W Main St | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
My Hero | 631-289-4376 | 25A Sills Rd | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Nancy's Crab Shack | 631-475-6255 | 18 Maiden Ln | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Ocean Avenue Eatery | 631-447-2007 | 567 S Ocean Ave | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
On the Waterfront | 631-654-2233 | 82 Brightwood St | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Panda House | 631-475-9269 | 350 E Main St Ste 6 | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Peter's Lunchnet | 631-289-0287 | 409 E Main St | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Reese's 1900 | 631-289-1900 | 70 N Ocean Ave | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
South Bay Seafood | 631-758-6846 | 683 S Country Rd | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
South Country Inn | 631-758-1919 | 668 S Country Rd | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
South Shore Restrnt | 631-475-7926 | 388 Medford Ave | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Subway | 631-475-9620 | 755 Montauk Hwy | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Taco Bell | 631-207-3703 | 174 Medford Ave | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Thai Lemon Grass | 631-475-8288 | 760 Montauk Hwy | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
The Old Olive Tree | 631-654-1930 | 124 E Main St | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Trio | 631-475-4774 | 69 E Main St | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Two Morrow's Pub | 631-758-8623 | 298 E Main St | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Two Morrow's Pub | 631-475-6335 | 300 E Main St | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Variety Soul Foods | 631-207-2020 | 23 S Ocean Ave | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
Wendy's | 631-289-4925 | 460 S Service Rd | Patchogue | NY | 11772 |
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