Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Kingston, NY 12401
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Kingston NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Christian & Missionary Alliance Church | 845-338-3883 | 90 Millers Ln | Kingston | NY | 12401 |
Christian Science Reading Room | 845-338-5123 | 417 Albany Ave | Kingston | NY | 12401 |
Clinton Av United Methodist Churc | 845-331-7188 | 122 Clinton Ave | Kingston | NY | 12401 |
Fair Street Church | 845-338-7722 | 209 Fair St | Kingston | NY | 12401 |
First Baptist Chruch | 845-338-7729 | 215 State Route 28 | Kingston | NY | 12401 |
First Baptist Church | 845-331-5044 | Albny Ave | Kingston | NY | 12401 |
Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church | 845-331-3090 | 22 Livingston St | Kingston | NY | 12401 |
Morningstar Christian Fellowship | 845-339-4488 | 83 E Chester St | Kingston | NY | 12401 |
New Central Baptist Church Parsonag | 845-338-0589 | 229 E Strand St | Kingston | NY | 12401 |
New Jersey Bible Church | 845-331-4606 | 288 Hickory Bush Rd | Kingston | NY | 12401 |
Old Dutch Church | 845-338-6759 | 272 Wall St | Kingston | NY | 12401 |
Redeemer Lutheran Church | 845-338-8930 | 104 Wurts St | Kingston | NY | 12401 |
Riverview Baptist Church | 845-338-4650 | 240 Catherine St | Kingston | NY | 12401 |
St Mark's Ame | 845-339-1012 | 72 Wurts St | Kingston | NY | 12401 |
St Mary's Benevolent Assoc | 845-338-9810 | 188 North St | Kingston | NY | 12401 |
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church | 845-338-2954 | 72 Spring St | Kingston | NY | 12401 |
Westminister Presbyterian Ch | 845-496-7971 | Marys Avenue & Webst | Kingston | NY | 12401 |
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