Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Organizations in Kingston, NY 12401
* Each listing below of Organizations Information for Kingston NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
4 H Cornell Cooperative Extension | 845-340-3990 | | Kingston | NY | 12401 |
American Legion Memorial Bldg | 845-338-1914 | 18 W Oreilly St | Kingston | NY | 12401 |
Bevier House Museum | 845-338-5614 | Marbletown | Kingston | NY | 12401 |
Children's Home of Kingston | 845-331-1448 | 26 Grove St | Kingston | NY | 12401 |
Ever Clean Carpet Cleaning | 845-331-1261 | 1 Amy Kay Pkwy | Kingston | NY | 12401 |
Girl Scouts Ulster County Council | 845-338-5367 | 65 Saint James St | Kingston | NY | 12401 |
Head Start Program Ulster County | 845-338-8750 | 70 Lindsley Ave | Kingston | NY | 12401 |
Kidspeace National Center | 845-331-1815 | 250 Aaron Ct | Kingston | NY | 12401 |
Mental Health Asociation in U | 845-339-9090 | 300 Aaron Ct | Kingston | NY | 12401 |
Morgan Hill Game Assn | 845-338-5470 | Dug Hill Rd | Kingston | NY | 12401 |
National Assoc for the Dually Diagnose | 845-331-4336 | 132 Fair St | Kingston | NY | 12401 |
New York State United Teachers | 845-339-4450 | 201 Stockade Dr | Kingston | NY | 12401 |
Pilot Industries | 845-331-4300 | 471 Albany Ave | Kingston | NY | 12401 |
Ulster County Chamber of Commerce | 845-338-2698 | 55 Albany Ave | Kingston | NY | 12401 |
United Way of Ulster County | 845-331-4199 | 450 Albany Ave | Kingston | NY | 12401 |
Veterans of Foreign Wars | 845-338-2676 | 708 E Chester St | Kingston | NY | 12401 |
We the People Legal Document Svc | 845-331-5833 | 796 Ulster Ave | Kingston | NY | 12401 |
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