Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Homes in Bronxville, NY 10708
* Each listing below of Homes Information for Bronxville NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
801 Bronx River Owners Inc | 914-237-7378 | 811 Bronx River Rd | Bronxville | NY | 10708 |
A Plus Realty Co | 914-395-1211 | 66 Palmer Ave Ste 43 | Bronxville | NY | 10708 |
Apartment Store The | 914-961-3550 | 133 Parkway Rd | Bronxville | NY | 10708 |
Barhite & Holzinger Inc | 914-337-1312 | 71 Pondfield Rd | Bronxville | NY | 10708 |
Bronxville Knolls | 914-337-7021 | 1214 Midland Ave | Bronxville | NY | 10708 |
Bronxville Ley Real Estate | 914-337-1234 | 17 Park Pl | Bronxville | NY | 10708 |
Bronxville Realty Assocs Llc | 914-337-3717 | 66 Pondfield Rd | Bronxville | NY | 10708 |
Brozman Archer Realty Svces | 914-779-0405 | 54 Palmer Ave | Bronxville | NY | 10708 |
Burke Realty Co | 914-961-2255 | 141 Parkway Rd Ste 11 | Bronxville | NY | 10708 |
Calrson Marie Real Estate Inc | 914-337-3141 | 105 Pondfield Rd | Bronxville | NY | 10708 |
Castro Linda P Rl Est | 914-793-3105 | 26 Paxton Ave | Bronxville | NY | 10708 |
Century 21 Deed Real Estate | 914-337-0900 | 120 Kraft Ave | Bronxville | NY | 10708 |
Equity Investments & Mortgage Compan | 914-779-6299 | 66 Palmer Ave | Bronxville | NY | 10708 |
Halpern-Stillman Inc | 914-961-9400 | 1101 Midland Ave | Bronxville | NY | 10708 |
Houlihan Lawrence Inc Real Estate Cen | 914-337-5400 | 89 Pondfield Rd | Bronxville | NY | 10708 |
Houlihan Lawrence Inc Real Estate Cen | 914-337-0483 | 4 Valley Rd | Bronxville | NY | 10708 |
Lydia Maria Real Estate | 914-337-1720 | 120 Pondfield Rd | Bronxville | NY | 10708 |
Mark Greenberg Real Estate | 914-793-5258 | 25 Parkview Ave | Bronxville | NY | 10708 |
Midland Gardens Apts | 914-337-2294 | 7 Midland Gdns | Bronxville | NY | 10708 |
The Avalon | 914-771-6600 | 125 Parkway Rd | Bronxville | NY | 10708 |
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