Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Homes in Katonah, NY 10536
* Each listing below of Homes Information for Katonah NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Billingsley Frances Realty Inc | 914-232-5808 | 95 Route 100 | Katonah | NY | 10536 |
Billingsley Frances Realty Inc | 914-232-5123 | RR 100 | Katonah | NY | 10536 |
Boniello Land & Realty Inc | 914-245-9000 | 1 Twin Knolls Rd | Katonah | NY | 10536 |
Carlyle Funding Inc | 914-232-0795 | 254 Katonah Ave | Katonah | NY | 10536 |
Coldwell Banker | 845-855-1953 | 60 Goldens Bridge Rd | Katonah | NY | 10536 |
Coldwell Banker Real Estate | 914-533-6600 | 290 Katonah Ave | Katonah | NY | 10536 |
Coldwell Banker Real Estate | 914-232-7000 | Routes 35 & 22 | Katonah | NY | 10536 |
Coldwell Banker Residential Bro | 914-232-4100 | RR 35 | Katonah | NY | 10536 |
Gmac Real Estate Preferred | 914-232-4338 | 156 Katonah Ave | Katonah | NY | 10536 |
Jonathan Rose and Co | 914-232-1396 | 33 Katonah Ave | Katonah | NY | 10536 |
Julia B Fee Real Estate | 914-232-9009 | 95 Katonah Ave | Katonah | NY | 10536 |
Marha Stwerat Real Estate Mgt Co | 914-232-9621 | 48 Girdle Ridge Rd | Katonah | NY | 10536 |
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