Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in White Plains, NY 10605
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for White Plains NY should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
German School New York | 914-948-6513 | 50 Partridge Rd | White Plains | NY | 10605 |
Our Lady of Sorrows Schl | 914-761-0124 | 888 Mamaroneck Ave | White Plains | NY | 10605 |
Solomon Schechter School of Westc | 914-948-3111 | 30 Dellwood Rd | White Plains | NY | 10605 |
Valhalla Union Free School District | 914-683-5035 | Virginia Rd | White Plains | NY | 10605 |
Westchester Center for Defensive Drivi | 914-761-8879 | 222 Bloomingdale Rd Ste 108 | White Plains | NY | 10605 |
White Plains City School District | 914-422-2092 | 128 Grandview Ave | White Plains | NY | 10605 |
White Plains City School District | 914-422-2000 | 5 Homeside Ln | White Plains | NY | 10605 |
White Plains City School District | 914-422-2040 | 500 North St | White Plains | NY | 10605 |
White Plains City School District | 914-422-2182 | 550 North St | White Plains | NY | 10605 |
White Plains City School District | 914-422-2286 | 7 Nosband Ave | White Plains | NY | 10605 |
White Plains City School District | 914-422-2081 | 225 Ridgeway | White Plains | NY | 10605 |
Windward School | 914-949-6968 | 13 Windward Ave | White Plains | NY | 10605 |
Windward Teacher Training Instit | 914-949-1279 | 5 Windward Ave | White Plains | NY | 10605 |
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