Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Attorneys in Lima, OH 45805
* Each listing below of Attorneys Information for Lima OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Allotta Farley & Widman Co Lpa | 419-224-0075 | 1045 Mackenzie Dr | Lima | OH | 45805 |
Balyeat Clay W Atty | 419-227-9595 | 1728 Allentown Rd | Lima | OH | 45805 |
Derryberry Quentin M II | 419-941-2211 | 1037 W Market St | Lima | OH | 45805 |
Everett E Bonnie Atty | 419-999-4272 | 3233 Spencerville Rd | Lima | OH | 45805 |
French Diane W Co Lpa | 419-222-6266 | 1142 W North St | Lima | OH | 45805 |
Hearn James F Atty | 419-229-9766 | 3235 Allentown Rd | Lima | OH | 45805 |
Kuhn Thomas R | 419-228-2122 | 973 W North St | Lima | OH | 45805 |
Williams Jeffrey G Atty | 419-993-2930 | 2244 Baton Rouge | Lima | OH | 45805 |
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