Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Bluffton, OH 45817
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Bluffton OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bluffton Baptist Church | 419-358-0170 | 345 County Line Rd | Bluffton | OH | 45817 |
Bluffton Presbyterian Church | 419-358-5806 | 112 N Main St | Bluffton | OH | 45817 |
Bluffton Trinity Um Church | 419-358-2001 | 2022 State Route 103 | Bluffton | OH | 45817 |
Bluffton Youth for Christ | 419-358-9365 | 111 W College Ave | Bluffton | OH | 45817 |
Emmanuel United Church of Christ | 419-358-1561 | 8375 Phillips Rd | Bluffton | OH | 45817 |
English Lutheran Church | 419-358-2591 | 111 Grove St | Bluffton | OH | 45817 |
First Missionary Church | 419-358-7751 | 247 N Lawn Ave | Bluffton | OH | 45817 |
First United Brethren Church | 419-358-8921 | 116 Church St | Bluffton | OH | 45817 |
Riley Creek Baptist Church | 419-326-6361 | 4950 Township Road 27 | Bluffton | OH | 45817 |
St Mary's Catholic Church | 419-358-8631 | 160 N Spring St | Bluffton | OH | 45817 |
Tri County Family Assembly of God | 419-358-1382 | 314 N Main St | Bluffton | OH | 45817 |
True Word Tabernacle | 419-358-1460 | 104 E Elm St | Bluffton | OH | 45817 |
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