Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Lima, OH 45801
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Lima OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel Baptist Church | 419-225-8471 | 630 Powers Ave | Lima | OH | 45801 |
Blue Lick United Methodist Churc | 419-228-4209 | 2760 E Bluelick Rd | Lima | OH | 45801 |
Bluelick Bible Church | 419-225-8822 | 1138 W Bluelick Rd | Lima | OH | 45801 |
Central Christian Church | 419-229-2003 | 525 W North St | Lima | OH | 45801 |
Charity Christian Church | 419-222-8788 | 200 N Metcalf St | Lima | OH | 45801 |
Church of the Holy Nativity | 419-227-1550 | 2945 N Cole St | Lima | OH | 45801 |
Family of Faith United Methodist Churc | 419-224-3766 | 801 Bellefontaine Ave | Lima | OH | 45801 |
Firm Foundation Christian Cente | 419-227-8139 | 125 S McDonel St | Lima | OH | 45801 |
First Church of God at the Cross Roads | 419-229-4074 | 775 N Thayer Rd | Lima | OH | 45801 |
First Evangelical and Reformed Church | 419-222-6700 | 320 W Wayne St | Lima | OH | 45801 |
First Missionary | 419-222-3024 | 1105 W Robb Ave | Lima | OH | 45801 |
Fresh Word Temple | 419-222-1590 | 1648 N Main St | Lima | OH | 45801 |
Friendship Baptist Church | 419-224-2727 | 349 E Wayne St | Lima | OH | 45801 |
Grace Baptist Church | 419-221-0112 | 1097 Fett Ave | Lima | OH | 45801 |
Greater Works Ministry | 419-224-0224 | 132 N Elizabeth St | Lima | OH | 45801 |
Jefferson St Baptist Church | 419-222-1873 | 825 N Jefferson St | Lima | OH | 45801 |
Jesus Way of Life Church | 419-225-9013 | 690 N Jackson St | Lima | OH | 45801 |
Liberty Chapel Church | 419-649-3694 | 7590 Sandusky Rd | Lima | OH | 45801 |
Lima Baptist Temple | 419-229-1561 | 982 Brower Rd | Lima | OH | 45801 |
Lima Church of Christ | 419-229-4547 | 2435 N Cole St | Lima | OH | 45801 |
Lima Mennonite Church | 419-222-2120 | 1318 N Main St | Lima | OH | 45801 |
New Beginning Ministries | 419-228-6323 | 562 W Spring St | Lima | OH | 45801 |
North Park Community Church | 419-224-6722 | 633 W Ashton Ave | Lima | OH | 45801 |
Northwest Childcare | 419-225-8900 | 1015 Boyer St | Lima | OH | 45801 |
Pilgrim Holiness Church | 419-224-4333 | 797 W Robb Ave | Lima | OH | 45801 |
Second Baptist Church | 419-229-6666 | 520 W Spring St | Lima | OH | 45801 |
St Mark's United Methodist | 419-222-3601 | 1110 N Metcalf St | Lima | OH | 45801 |
St Matthew Lutheran Church | 419-999-2282 | Hume Rd | Lima | OH | 45801 |
Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church | 419-222-0030 | 138 W North St | Lima | OH | 45801 |
Trinity Center for Creative Child | 419-224-2909 | 301 W Market St | Lima | OH | 45801 |
Trinity United Methodist Churc | 419-225-3636 | 1234 State | Lima | OH | 45801 |
Union Chapel Missionary Church | 419-221-1234 | 4869 Ada Rd | Lima | OH | 45801 |
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