Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Lima, OH 45804
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Lima OH should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abundant Life Temple | 419-227-6510 | 4185 Bellefontaine Rd | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Bethel Fbh Church | 419-227-6133 | 1312 Norval Ave | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Christian Cornerstone Ministries | 419-228-1777 | 1118 E Albert St | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Church of Christ East Elm | 419-228-7785 | 1321 E Elm St | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Eleventh St Missionary Baptist Church | 419-222-2386 | 108 E 11th St | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Forest Park United Methodist Churc | 419-227-8445 | 315 S Collins Ave | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Fourth Street Baptist Church | 419-224-1501 | 122 W 4th St | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Future Church of Tomorrow | 419-224-7372 | 120 W 12th St | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Grace United Methodist Church | 419-223-3796 | 125 W Kibby St | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Horton Bob Evangelist | 419-229-3590 | 1830 Reese Ave | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Immanuel Baptist Church | 419-227-0388 | 2575 Harding Hwy | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Lima First Assembly of God | 419-229-5601 | 1575 E High St | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Manley Soul Food Country Kitchen | 419-227-6432 | 1904 S Main St | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Mt Olive Missionary Baptist Church | 419-222-2308 | 1406 Saint Johns Ave | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Mt Olivet Church of God in Christ | 419-223-1451 | 705 Catalpa Ave | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Mt Zion Deliverance Temple of Joy | 419-224-5335 | 1027 E North St | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Mt Zion Holy Union Church of God | 419-229-6578 | 1690 S Main St | Lima | OH | 45804 |
New Greater Grace Baptist Church | 419-224-4463 | 422 E 8th St | Lima | OH | 45804 |
New Hope Missionary Baptist Church | 419-228-1893 | 328 E 4th St | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Philippian Miss Baptist Church | 419-229-1441 | 190 E 8th St | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church | 419-224-6006 | 1251 S Union St | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Restoration Temple | 419-225-6595 | 708 E Eureka St | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Shiloh M B Church | 419-223-7606 | 110 W 11th St | Lima | OH | 45804 |
St James Cme Church | 419-222-2845 | 800 Franklin St | Lima | OH | 45804 |
St Vincent De Paul Food Pantry | 419-224-3569 | 686 S Main St | Lima | OH | 45804 |
Wings of Deliverance 2 | 419-221-3336 | 400 S Scott St | Lima | OH | 45804 |
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